Defense Acquisition Research Journal #91

A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University

• descr ibe t he resea rch i ns t r ument s (e . g . , prog ram documentation, surveys, interviews), • describe the limitations of the research (e.g., access to data, sample size), • summarize protocols to protect human subjects (e.g., in surveys and interviews), if applicable, • ensure results are clearly described, both quantitatively and qualitatively, • determine if results are generalizable to the defense acquisition community • determine if the study can be replicated, and • discuss suggestions for future research (if applicable). Research articles may be published either in print and online, or as a Web- only version. Articles that are 5,000 words or fewer (excluding abstracts, references, and endnotes) will be considered for print as well as Web publication. Articles between 5,000 and 10,000 words will be considered for Web only publication, with a two sentence summary included in the print version of the Defense ARJ . In no case should article submissions exceed 10,000 words. Case Histories Care should be taken not to disclose any personally identifiable information regarding research participants or organizations involved unless written consent has been obtained. If names of the involved organization and participants are changed for confdentiality, this should be highlighted in an endnote. Authors are required to state in writing that they have complied with APA ethical standards. A copy of the APA Ethical Principles may be obtained at All case histories, if accepted, will receive a double-blind review as do all manuscripts submitted to the Defense ARJ . Each case history should contain the following components:

• Introduction • Background


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