Getting to Know: Our Newest First Responders Crest has a well-trained voluntary staff of Licensed EMTS and First Responders. This assistance is vital if medical treatment is needed for an injury or illness that is beyond the abilities of a supervisor.
First Responders will be one of the first persons on the scene of the accident or injury and will coordinate all emergency medical activities including the decision of whether or not off-site assistance and/or advanced life support assistance is required to handle the emergency. Besides the initial certification, First Responders must obtain
Kim Younge
Bobbi Morgan
continuing education hours each year and apply for recertification every four years. While the classes are offered here at Crest, it is still a time commitment by each of the employees who volunteer to be a member of this team. We’d like to welcome Kim Younge (Production B) and Bobbi Morgan, (Production A Karlin) to the team! Kim is a line operator on B Shift who has been with Crest since March of last year. She started with Manpower and was hired as a full time Crest employee in June. Kim is an EMT with the Ohio Fire Department and says that helping people is her passion. When I asked Kim what her interests were outside of work, she mentioned her other jobs. Besides 40 hours a week here at Crest, Kim also works at a gas station, a tavern and mows lawns for neighbors! Kim said she’d rather be working than not (obviously!). One interesting thing about Kim that most of us wouldn’t know ? She has a moose obsession. Her whole house is full of them! She’s even planned trips around seeing the real thing! Bobbi Morgan works on A Shift Production at the Karlin. She’s been a part of the Assembly Crew for two and half years now. Bobbi volunteered to be on the team after a friend and co-worker had a heart attack while working at the distribution center and had to wait for responders. She realizes that having someone on site could save a life. Bobbi was an EMT for 20 years so her experience and the fact that she enjoys helping people make this a great fit for her! Bobbi’s interests outside of work include spending time with her family and friends, reading, and exploring new places. She also likes doing crafts. Thank you to these two and the rest of our First Responders for their commitment to Crest and their fellow co- workers! And we can’t forget our wonderful staff of nurses who are an important resource – thank you Heidi, Ann and Stephanie!
Aron Gomer, Caleb Henson &, Neli Coronel
Aurora Abarca
Penny Ellis
Shannon Gunnon
Becky Schultz
April, May & June 2021 Crest Ink 15
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