Redzone Kaizen: Changeover Obsession by Karen Yardley Our most recent Redzone Kaizen event kicked off the week of January 11th. The theme was “Changeover Obsession – Set The Clock” and during that first week we focused on our current changeover process for a Level 3HA clean on Line70. Eventu- ally we hope to apply what we learn through this exercise to other lines both out west and in town. The “team” consisted of Trish Carter, Karen Yardley, Lisa Roberts, Jared Stumpenhorst, Jon Larson as well as management from each of the departments
TEAM 3HAwesome: Trish Carter, Karen Yardley, Lisa Roberts, Jared Stumpenhorst & Jon Larson
crucial to making these changeovers happen. While this core group put a lot of time and effort into “setting the clock” and finding ways to improve the stan-dards, there were many employees who participated by providing feed- back, suggestions and encouragement. Some key areas for improvement that we identified during the first week were: • Parallel work vs. Series (each department has a specific function that we can each being doing at the same time)
• Checklists for changeover (data sheets/triggers for disassembly, reassembly, in Redzone) • Section cleaning (divide what is a HUGE task into smaller, more manageable tasks) • Ease of disassembly/ Ease of reassembly
So after “setting the clock”, we focused on beating the clock. During the second week of our Kaizen event, the week of January 25th, we continued to refine our changeover process by training on the process as well as adding center lining for the equipment on Line 70. With centerlining in place we will be able to compare our operating con- ditions to make sure we run the best machine settings. This will allow us to not only start running faster with less changes but also simplify our changeover process. Detailed checklists for all departments involved, as well as other process improvements will help us to not only improve our process but also make it easier for everyone to do their job safely and efficiently. During the first week of March we continued our journey to improve our changeover process by “locking it in.” We started by reviewing the most recent Level 3HA changeover on Line 70. We had four high definition cameras lo- cated in the four different “sections” of Line 70 recording during the changeover. The team reviewed almost 49 hours of video and from that we developed 4 fishbone diagrams (these are simple tools that help in brainstorm- ing to identify possible causes of a problem and in sorting ideas into useful categories) and generated 32 new ac- tions in Redzone! We spent time on the floor coming up with solutions and improvements and set a goal to reduce the time of a changeover that can take as long as 6 shifts down to 3. Some of the themes we noted while reviewing our changeover process that we worked on improving: Rework – Keep Moving Forward! Several times we reworked areas that were already cleaned. We have also had to reclean by not following a top down cleaning process all the time. Communication – Trust the process! We recognized that working with scheduling to be better prepared for when the changeover is taking place as well as communication during is vital Tools! Tool location as well as availability to accessibility to tools was found to be a recurring theme. Thank you to our great Redzone coach Juarez Jackson for all of his guidance, insight, encouragement and help throughout this process and to all of the employees who are contributing to this important effort!
18 Crest Ink April, May & June 2021
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