Hy Pax - Bagasse Tableware and Takeout Items

Our Company delivers exceptional value and quality products to our trading partners. With extensive distribution and expandable capacity, our core products are readily available.

Bagasse Tableware and Takeout Items

• Mad e from sugar c ane r esidue, which is a r enew abl e r esou r ce • G r e at alt e r n a � v e to styrofoam and pla s �c pl at es and co n t aine rs

• C er�fied c omp ost able • Ideal f or h o t and cold appli ca �ons

• Micro w av e and fr ee z e r saf e • 3 siz es of squar e pl at es and 4 siz es of r ound availabl e for en tré es and desserts • 6 siz es of c lamshe lls availabl e

7275 Fi�h Line, Milton, ON L9E 0G1

511 Foods e rvic e. com


Pack Size

Item Code

Descrip � on


HP-BA G - 06 SP L T-C Hy Pax® Plat e Bag asse 6" Squar e HP-BA G - 08 SP L T-C Hy Pax® Plat e Bag asse 8" Squar e HP-BA G - 10 SP L T-C Hy Pax® Plat e Bag asse 10" Squar e HP-BA G - 6 P L T-C Hy Pax® Plat e Bag asse 6" HP-BA G -7P L T-C Hy Pax® Plat e Bag asse 7" HP-BA G - 9 P L T-C Hy Pax® Plat e Bag asse 9" HP-BA G - 10 P L T-C Hy Pax® Plat e Bag asse 10" HP-BA G - 6CLM -C Hy Pax® Clams hell Bag asse Small

5 0 x 10 1062652101119 5 5 0 x 10 10626521011201 5 0 x 10 10626521011218 1 2 5x8 10626521009000 1 2 5x8 1062652100901 7 1 2 5x4 10626521009024 1 2 5x4 10626521009031 1 2 5x4 10626521008966

HP-BA G - 8CLM -C Hy Pax® Clams hell Bag asse M e dium 5 0 x 4 1062652100899 7 HP-BA G - 8CL M 3C -C Hy Pax® Clams hell 3 Co mp art ment Bag asse M e dium 5 0 x 4 10626521009543 HP-BA G - 9CL M 3C -C Hy Pax® Clams hell 3 Co mp art ment Bag asse La rg e 5 0 x 4 1062652100893 5 HP-BA G - 9CL M 6 -C Hy Pax® Clams hell Bag asse R ec ta ngle 5 0 x 4 10626521008973 HP-BA G - 9CLM -C Hy Pax® C lamshell Bagass e La rg e 5 0 x 4 10626521008980 HP-BA G - 1 2B WL -C Hy Pax® B owl Bag asse 1 2oz Wid e 1 2 5x8 10626521009048 HP-BA G - 1 2FC-C Hy Pax® Tak e O ut Food C on tai ne r Bag asse 1 2oz 1 2 5x8 1062652100905 5 HP-BA G - 1 2 LD -C Hy Pax® Li d for 1 2oz Bag asse Tak e O ut C on tai ner 1 2 5x8 1062652100906 2 HP-BA G - O TY 10 Hy Pax® Tray Bag asse 2 4.6x16 x 2. 5cm O val 1 25x2 10626521009550 HP-BA G - O TY 10 - LD Hy Pax® Li d for 10" Bag asse O val Tray 1 25x2 1062652101152 2

7275 Fi�h Line, Milton, ON L9E 0G1

511 Foods e rvic e. com


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