Our Company delivers exceptional value and quality products to our trading partners. With extensive distribution and expandable capacity, our core products are readily available.
Bagasse Tableware and Takeout Items
• Mad e from sugar c ane r esidue, which is a r enew abl e r esou r ce • G r e at alt e r n a � v e to styrofoam and pla s �c pl at es and co n t aine rs
• C er�fied c omp ost able • Ideal f or h o t and cold appli ca �ons
• Micro w av e and fr ee z e r saf e • 3 siz es of squar e pl at es and 4 siz es of r ound availabl e for en tré es and desserts • 6 siz es of c lamshe lls availabl e
7275 Fi�h Line, Milton, ON L9E 0G1
511 Foods e rvic e. com
Pack Size
Item Code
Descrip � on
HP-BA G - 06 SP L T-C Hy Pax® Plat e Bag asse 6" Squar e HP-BA G - 08 SP L T-C Hy Pax® Plat e Bag asse 8" Squar e HP-BA G - 10 SP L T-C Hy Pax® Plat e Bag asse 10" Squar e HP-BA G - 6 P L T-C Hy Pax® Plat e Bag asse 6" HP-BA G -7P L T-C Hy Pax® Plat e Bag asse 7" HP-BA G - 9 P L T-C Hy Pax® Plat e Bag asse 9" HP-BA G - 10 P L T-C Hy Pax® Plat e Bag asse 10" HP-BA G - 6CLM -C Hy Pax® Clams hell Bag asse Small
5 0 x 10 1062652101119 5 5 0 x 10 10626521011201 5 0 x 10 10626521011218 1 2 5x8 10626521009000 1 2 5x8 1062652100901 7 1 2 5x4 10626521009024 1 2 5x4 10626521009031 1 2 5x4 10626521008966
HP-BA G - 8CLM -C Hy Pax® Clams hell Bag asse M e dium 5 0 x 4 1062652100899 7 HP-BA G - 8CL M 3C -C Hy Pax® Clams hell 3 Co mp art ment Bag asse M e dium 5 0 x 4 10626521009543 HP-BA G - 9CL M 3C -C Hy Pax® Clams hell 3 Co mp art ment Bag asse La rg e 5 0 x 4 1062652100893 5 HP-BA G - 9CL M 6 -C Hy Pax® Clams hell Bag asse R ec ta ngle 5 0 x 4 10626521008973 HP-BA G - 9CLM -C Hy Pax® C lamshell Bagass e La rg e 5 0 x 4 10626521008980 HP-BA G - 1 2B WL -C Hy Pax® B owl Bag asse 1 2oz Wid e 1 2 5x8 10626521009048 HP-BA G - 1 2FC-C Hy Pax® Tak e O ut Food C on tai ne r Bag asse 1 2oz 1 2 5x8 1062652100905 5 HP-BA G - 1 2 LD -C Hy Pax® Li d for 1 2oz Bag asse Tak e O ut C on tai ner 1 2 5x8 1062652100906 2 HP-BA G - O TY 10 Hy Pax® Tray Bag asse 2 4.6x16 x 2. 5cm O val 1 25x2 10626521009550 HP-BA G - O TY 10 - LD Hy Pax® Li d for 10" Bag asse O val Tray 1 25x2 1062652101152 2
7275 Fi�h Line, Milton, ON L9E 0G1
511 Foods e rvic e. com
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