FYZICAL PBC | Arthritic Pains in Your Hands

Our Monthly Newsletter





INSIDE OUR NEWSLETTER: • Hand Therapy For Arthritis Relief • Patient Success Spotlight • Tell Us How We Did!

• Recipe Of The Month: Tomato & Balsamic Pasta Salad • Top 5 Indicators Of Poor Nutrition





What types of arthritis are found in the hands? Arthritis refers to any chronic condition that affects the joints, causing pain and inflammation. The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis found in the hands. This type is the result of a gradual breakdown of cartilage in the joints. This breakdown can occur at any age but is most common after an injury or repetitive use of the affected joint(s). Cartilage can no longer protect the joints when worn down, resulting in bone-on-bone friction and painful inflammation. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the second most commonly experienced form of arthritis and develops as an autoimmune response. When someone has rheumatoid arthritis, their immune system sees the joints as a threat. Because of this perceived threat, the immune system attacks the joints, resulting in pain and inflammation. Most experts believe that your hormones, genes, smoking, and environment could all contribute to the development of RA.

Have you noticed that it’s more difficult to grip and make a fist? Do you have stiff, achy fingers and hands? You are likely experiencing the effects of arthritis. At FYZICAL, our therapists are experts at treating the different types of arthritis that cause your hands to hurt. We can help teach you strategies to manage your arthritis to use your hands with less pain! You use your hands and fingers hundreds of times throughout the day for both basic and complex tasks. Unfortunately, arthritis limits your ability to move freely and makes it difficult to do daily activities. If you are living with arthritis, you’re not alone. There are over 100 different types of arthritis that people are diagnosed with, and millions deal with limitations from the different types. Arthritis pain is directly correlated to the restriction of mobility in your joints, which in turn influences the health of your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Fortunately, our physical therapists are experts in treating arthritis in your hands. We will help restore the movement in your joints and strength in your muscles to alleviate arthritic inflammation and pain. Contact FYZICAL today, and let us help you relieve your pain so you can use your hands to do the things you love!

Our mission is to prevent needless suffering & to do all in our power to help people flourish.



What to expect at your hand therapy visit Your therapist will provide you with the necessary stretches and exercises to keep up with the progress you made during your sessions. It is crucial to make sure you complete these stretches and exercises independently so your arthritis doesn’t worsen. By combining findings from your exam, our therapists can determine the underlying pathology and provide appropriate treatment to optimize your outcomes. Your treatments will aim to relieve pain, promote healing, and relearn or modify activities to make daily life easier. Call today to make an appointment

People have found enormous success in arthritis relief through specialized physical therapy known as hand therapy. Hand therapy focuses on the upper extremity as a whole, including the wrist/ hand, forearm, elbow, and shoulder. Hand therapists work toward returning the affected area to its highest level of function. A therapist typically uses manual techniques to manipulate the affected arthritic area to release tension, swelling, and pain. Through massage and hands-on treatments, patients can find significant improvement — sometimes after just one session! In some cases, additional techniques, such as heat therapies, ultrasound, or paraffin wax therapy may also be used as part of your treatment plan to manage your pain and keep symptoms at bay. However, one of the most significant roles of a therapist is prescribing targeted mobility and strengthening exercises to help you restore the use of your hands. These will be dependent upon the type and severity of your arthritis. Sometimes splints are needed to help you, especially at night. Your therapist will also work with you on strategies and modifications that help you function better. Teaching you about your pain and how to manage it can help you get over the hump and regain your independence in day-to-day tasks and improve the quality of your life.

A large part of therapy for your hand is helping you improve your range of motion, strength, and overall function so you can safely and comfortably perform your daily activities once again. At FYZICAL, our team will work closely with you to determine which course of treatment will be best for your specific needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more about how hand therapy can relieve your upper extremity arthritis.

Sources: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/ S0894113017302818 • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32365314/ •https:// academic.oup.com/rheumatology/article/45/5/577/1788575



INGREDIENTS • 5.5 oz pasta • 5.5 oz asparagus (cut into 2 cm pieces) • 5.5 oz peas • 7 oz cherry tomatoes • 1 tbsp olive oil • 2 cloves garlic (minced)

• 2 tsp sugar • ¼ cup balsamic vinegar • ¼ cup water • 1 tbsp cornstarch • ¾ tsp salt • ¼ tsp baking soda • 4 oz baby spinach • 1 handful basil, fresh

DIRECTIONS: In a pot of salted boiling water cook pasta according to package instructions. During the last 5 minutes of cooking time, add peas and asparagus to cook with the pasta. Remove from water. Meanwhile, in a medium sized saucepan over medium heat, heat the olive oil. Add the cherry tomatoes and cook until their skin is golden. Then add the minced garlic and cook until it begins to brown and the tomatoes pop. Add sugar, balsamic, water, salt and baking soda. Mix and simmer for 2 minutes. Dissolve cornstarch in a little water and add to the pot. Cook until the sauce thickens, boiling for 1 minute. Turn off heat and stir in half of the spinach. To serve, mix in the tomato pot the pasta and veggies, remaining spinach and basil. https://hurrythefoodup.com/vegan-mediterranean-pasta-salad/

www.fyzicalpbc.com | (561) 331-5508

Patient Success Spotlight


“ I want to thank all of the staff, especially Patty, for pulling me through this difficult time both mentally and physically. ” “I always wondered why after surgery you would have to continue with a physical therapy program. But after all you went through with surgery, especially major type of surgery you certainly need to complete the process. Take it from me. I had neck surgery, in January and now it’s June and I feel that I have made better progress than I would have if I didn’t go. I want to thank all of the staff, especially Patty, for pulling me through this difficult time both mentally and physically. You must do your part to reap the benefits. Take time and do the exercises at home. It’s great to feel pain free. Thank you again.” — Susan

Have you been wondering about your nutrition levels? As we change and grow older, it’s important to keep an eye on our health and adjust our lifestyles to maintain optimal levels of wellness. There are many indicators to watch out for regarding poor nutrition. The top five to look out for are as follows: 1. Increased levels of tiredness and fatigue - Have you felt like you have less energy lately? If you’re experiencing fatigue regularly, it could signal a lack of iron in your diet. Iron deficiencies can also lead to anemia. 2. Dry hair with lots of breakage - Hair is made up of proteins. The better your diet is, the stronger your hair will be, and the less breakage you’ll experience. If your hair is dry or brittle, it’s a sure sign that your diet should be studied more closely. 3. Diarrhea or constipation - Do you feel like everything upsets your stomach? Do you only have a bowel movement once or twice a week? These are indicators of issues with your digestive system and/or a sign your fiber intake needs to be monitored. If you don’t have enough fiber in your diet, you may experience constipation. If you’re experiencing diarrhea often, it means your body is not absorbing nutrients properly. 4. Split fingernails - If your nails are brittle, weak, and split in two often, it’s a sure sign you aren’t getting enough nutrients in your diet. Iron deficiency is one reason for split fingernails, and your doctor may recommend iron supplements or specific foods you should eat more of to improve your iron levels. 5. Irritability and/or depression - Have you been feeling unlike yourself lately? Are you easily annoyed, tired, or experiencing feelings of hopelessness? Having an insufficient intake of nutrients can cause your mental health to decline. If you haven’t been eating regular meals, or you’ve been consuming a lot of caffeine as a meal replacement, (which it most certainly is not!) it can certainly affect your overall mood!

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