In many situations, pain that develops in the neck can be associated with one of two major problems. The first is upper-back pain that begins to radiate into the neck.The second is arthritis. Physical therapy can be used to address both types of neck pain. Cervical arthritis causes frequent aches in the neck and shoulders. This pain is generally worse when there are sudden changes in weather or at the end of the day, and while over-the-counter medication may make the pain less severe, it won’t eliminate the pain entirely. Thebiggestproblemposedbycervicalarthritis is that thepainwill typically cause a loss of range of motion in the neck, which actually increases your risk of injury as a result of a sudden movement and causes regular discomfort and frustration as you are not able to utilize your neck in the way you normally could. There are plenty of situations in which pain in the neck as a result of cervical arthritis grows so severe that it can cause chronic poor posture and even a reduction in height. Addressing the Core Problem Themajorityofneckandheadpaincanbehelpedwithonesimplestrategy: strengthbuilding. It frequentlyhappens that theabsolutecauseof thestart ofapain in theneckorhead isa resultofpoorpostureorquickenedmotion, andbuildingcorestrength,aswellasstrength in theneck,canmakeahuge difference inyourability tohandle taskswithoutexperiencingchronicpain. Keep in mind that the neck and head are sensitive areas, so attempting to treat thepainathomecanbedangerousandmaynotbeeffective.Working with a physical therapist is the safe way to ensure that you are practicing positive techniques to find relief from your aches and pains. Call us today to learn more about our programs to relieve your and neck pain!
Healthy Recipe: Gluten-Free Pumpkin Cookies
• 1/2 cup oat flour ground • 1/2 cup almond meal • 1/2 tsp baking powder • 1/2 tsp baking soda • 1/8 tsp salt • 2 tsp Vietnamese 5% Oil • Cinnamon • 1/4 tsp Frontier Allspice • 1/4 cup mini chocolate chips • 1/2 cup dried cranberries cherries
INGREDIENTS • 1 ripe banana mashed • 1/2 cup pumpkin puree • 2 large eggs • 1/2 cup peanut butter • 3 tbsp coconut oil melted
• 2 tsp Vanilla Extract • 3 tbsp maple syrup • 1 1/2 cups gluten-free rolled oats
DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease or line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. Set aside. In a mixing bowl stir together mashed banana, pumpkin, eggs, peanut butter, coconut oil, vanilla and maple syrup until well combined. Add in oats, oat flour, almond meal, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, allspice, chocolate chips and dried fruit; stir to combine. Refrigerate for 5 minutes to harden. Drop cookies by spoonfuls on prepared baking sheet. They won’t expand much, so feel free to press them down, slightly, and make them as uniform as possible to ensure even baking. Bake for about 12 minutes until lightly browned.
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