King's Business - 1942-01



January, 1942

We read the words: “When Jesus saw their faith . . . ” It cannot be known exactly whether this passage refers only to the four who brought their friend to Jesus, or whether it includes the sick man himself. But certain it is that their work- revealed their faith, and their faith was re­ warded (cf. Jas. 2:14-18). This faith may have been merely in His heal­ ing power, but it was enough to cause Jesus to speak a word of comfort to the man, saying, “Son [Gr., ‘Child’], thy sins be [R. V., ‘are’] forgiven thee.” II. A ccused of B lasphemy (6-9) - Scribes who were sitting Ahere im­ mediately began to reason within themselves, saying, “Who can for­ give sins but God only?” And then they charged Jesus with blasphemy. If Jesus was not God, they were right in their charge. But they had heard the Word preached and should have known who Jesus was. The demons knew, and certainly the trained theo­ logians of that day- should have known also. The scribes were un­ willing, however, to do what they heard, and the unwillingness left them in blindness and darkness (cf. John 7:17). Men may forgive crime because crime is against man, but only God can forgive sin because Sin is against God (cf. Psa. 51:4; 32:5). In His dealing with these unbeliev­ ers, Jesus was fulfilling th,e Words of the prophet who said He would be of quick understanding and not judge after the sight of His eyes (cf. Isa. 11:3). Accordingly, Jesus a s k e d which was easier to say, “Thy sins be forgiven,” or, “Arise, . . . and walk.” One was as easy as the other to say, and to the skeptical heart the first would have no meaning if the sec­ ond could not De performed. ' III. R evealing A uthority (10-12) ,, The Lord Jesus would give the scribes1 every opportunity to accept Him by giving them full proof of His authority to forgive sins. So He said to the palsied man, “Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.” Immediately the man arose and did as he was bidden. Hence Christianity is said to have two great words: the first, “Thy sins are for- giv?n,”- and the second, “Arise, . . . and walk.” The first is God’s part; the second is man’s. The first makes the second possible ; the second proves the first is a reality. The first is Paul’s emphasis; the second is that of James. The first Without the Sec­ ond, is antinomianism or license, thè second without the first is legalism. Are our sins forgiven? What proof have we? Who k n o w s they are? Only by “ arising” and “walking*’ can

in the middle. No hole is cut below this word. The seventh heart has a slot % x 4% inches, beginning % inch from the “V,” running down 4% inches toward the bottom. Color one side of this heart fed. Turn it over and using the letters “H-E-A-L-E-D,” which show through the slot, com­ plete the following:' “HE GAVE ALL LONGING ONES DELIVERANCE.” ) LESSON: What sad-looking hearts these are which I am placing on the board! [Attach with thumb tacks so that each can be seen clearly.] We r e a d , “HELPLESS,” “HOPELESS,” “DISEASE,” “UNCLEAN,” “FEVER- ISH,” and “DEAD.” All have large ugly holes in them. They remind me of the sad people whom the Lord Jesus healed. On various occasions many kinds of diseases were healed by Him. We will bring these hearts together, to show how people w e r e brought to Christ. [Stack in the order mentioned, allowing each word to show, and fasten with ’thumbtacks to the board.] As we place this red heart over the others, we will see what Christ did for those who were afflicted. We read the word “HEALED.” How happy they must have been to be healed by Him! Turning the red heart over, and again covering the hearts with it, we read, “HE GAVE ALL LONGING ONES DELIVERANCE.” w ith compassion tow ard them , and he healed their sick” (Matt. 14:14). DEVOTIONAL READING: Psa. 103:1-13. Outline and Exposition I. I nterrupted in T eaching (1-5) ■ HEN JESUS returned to Ca­ pernaum, news spread quick­ ly about His being there. The was in the house.” Some one has said that invariably when Jesus is in ar$ house, the neighbors become aware of the fact. Many people gath­ ered until all the space .about the door was filled, and Jesus began to preach the Word of God to them. While He preached, there came four men bringing a sick person on a pallet. They knew the Lord had healed all manner' of diseases dur­ ing His former visit to that town (cf. Mk. 1:32-34), and they were eager to have their friend healed. But when they arrived, they could not get in, so they went.up to the thatch roof, made an opening in it, and lowered the sick man into the Saviour’s pres­ ence, , I ) I ■ .. ■BM.

notch, the total height of the heart being 8 inches, or larger if visibility requires. On the first heart, 1 inch below thè “V” print the word “HELP­ LESS,” placing the “H” in the middle of the heart. Cut just below this to within an inch of each side, and 'down to within an inch of the point. This will leave a triangular opening. Above the word, cut several jagged holes. The second heart has the word “HOPELESS,” with the “E” in the mid­ dle. This word is % of an inch lower than the first word. Cut below and above the word as directed for the first heart. On the third heart, print the word “DISEASED,” placing the "A” in the middle, and cut as directed. Each word is % of an inch lower than the previous one. The fourth heart has “UNCLEAN” printed on it, with the “L” in the middle. “Feverish” is printed on the fifth, with the “E” in the middle. The word “DEAD” Is printed on the sixth, with the “D” M ark 2tl And again he entered into Capérnaum after some (lays; and it Tras nóised that he rras in the house. 2 And straightw ay, many w ere gathk ered together, insomuch that th'eré w as no room to receive them , no, not so much as about the d oor: and he preachéd the w ord unto them. 3 And they com e unto him, bringing one sick o f the palsy, which w as borne o f four. 4 And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press, they Uncovered the ro o f where he w as: and when théy had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick o f the palsy lay. 5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said an io the sick o f the palsy, Son, thy sins be forg iv en thee, 8 But there w ere certain o f the scribes sittin g there, and reasoning in t h e i r t carts, 7 W hy doth this man thus speak blas­ phem ies? w ho can forg iv e sins but God only? 8 And immediately, when Jesús per­ ceived in his spirit that they so reasoned within them selves, he said unto them, W hy reason ye these things in your hearts? 9 W h eth er. is it easier to say to the Sick of th e palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee: or to say, A rise, and take up thy héri, and walk ? * • 10 But that ye may know that the Son o f man hath pow er o n ' earth to,.-„forgive sins, (he saith to the sick o f ,) 11 I say unto thee, Arise, and^ftike up thy bed, and g o thy why into thine house. 12 And imm ediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all: insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, W e never saw it On this fashion. LESSON T E X T : Mk. 2:1-12. GOLDEN T E X T : “ Jesus . . . w as moved

FEBRUARY 15, 1942 THE HEAL ING M INISTRY OF JESUS' M ark 1:35 toi 3:12; L uke 4:42-44 ; 5:12-39

place .of -His temporary abode was known, and it was “noised that he

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