King's Business - 1942-01



January, 1942

who was to deny thè Lord, and end­ ing with Judas Iscariot, who was to betray Him. Judas was the only of­ ficer of the group, being the treas­ urer. While there is mystery con­ cerning the choice of Judas, we should remember that he Was God’s choice made known to Jesus in that night of prayer. Hence there could be no mistake made; God would have His Word fulfilled in this man. Judas did not have to betray the Lord be­ cause it was written in the Old Testa­ ment that he would, but it was writ­ ten there because, in God’s perfect knowledge of all things, it was clear that Judas would betray Him (cf. Psa. 41:9; 109:8 with Acts i:15-20). II. T he M ultitude (17-19) The crowd was composed of a mul-^ titude of the disciples and a great number of people from Judea, Jeru­ salem, and the seacoast (v. 17). The disciples “ came’ to hear- him” ; t h e others came to be healed of their dis­ eases. Both groups received that which they sought—the* disciples found permanent profit, the others transient help. It is not directly said that demonized persons came either to hear or to be delivered, but grace shone forth and these, sufferers were restored as well as others (v. 18). De­ mons, like disease, gave way before the vdice and power of the Son of man. As the people touched Him, “power came forth from him, and healed them all” (v. 19, R.V.). But alas! the ijrowd as a whole, so ready to receive physi­ cal well-being from Jesus, rejected the spiritual help, and at lari joined with thosé who crucified Him. The fact that blessing is received from Jesus is no assurance that salvation has been received. Very much of physi­ cal, mental, and even moral profit may be received from Jesus without accepting Him as personal Saviour. III. T he T eaching (20-26) The key to these ,verses lies in the expressions, “unto the prophets” and “to the false prophets” (vs. 23, 26). Hence we must turn to the Old Testa­ ment prophets for correct understand­ ing of this passage; we can also get BLACKBOARD LESSON rn€-coivnnu£D all a i g h t o w e d it iw s dam , in PftAHER TO GOD -r- / U E CALLED-«IS DISCIPLES; « M M /A rtD OF TWEtTI H E CHQ£>€. i • / ffu)£LUE-flPOSTL€S*LU.*-.n,)5 f

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lesson it will be helpful to begin by noticing, the connection with the pre­ ceding verse. In verse 11 we learn that our Lord had met with terrific opposition. Certain mert were ac­ tually “filled with madness” because of His blessed ¿work among men, and- they “ communed” together concerning what they might do to Him. His re­ action to this tide of opposition was to go out into a mountain and pray “ all night” (v. 12). And then the next day He proceeded to select twelve men out of the disciples to act as His apostles (v. 13). Thus the Lord reveals to us how we should face opposition to 'the gospel. First, the church should pray — all night, if necessary. Second, the church, hav­ ing prayed, should send out more workers. In the missionary program of the church, there should be no room, for either fear or retreat, no matter how great the opposition. Pray and Go is our program. 2. "Whom also he named apostles" (v. 13). It would be well for the teacher to put the four lists of the apostles on a blackboard, in parallel lists, - as they are named in Mark 3:16-19; Matt. 10:2-4; Luke 6:14-16, and Acts 1:13. Although the different writers do not follow the same order throughout, they do all begin their lists with the name of Simon Peter at the head. This does not mean t h a t Peter was given some higher place of authority over the group, but rather that he seems to have been the leader of that smaller group of three who were closest to the Lord. These three, it will be noticed, are n a m e d first. Then again in all the four lists the name of Judas appears last. The reason for this needs no argu-

help from the so-called Sermon on the Mount which opens with similar words. The poor in spirit shall be rich with the spirit of the kingdom of God; those that hunger for righteousness Shall be filled; those that weep be­ cause of the dearth of truth shall be filled with joy when the kingdom is set up; and those who are rejected for the truth’s sake shall be rewarded in that kingdom. It should be no­ ticed that the rejection (v. 22) begins with hatred “ for the Son of man’s sake," leading to separation for the same reason, then reproach for the same cause, ending with being cast out, even as the Son of man was cast out. Thus did the fathers to the prophets, and thus did that genera­ tion resist the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51). But those who sustain such treatment shall come to reward (vs. 20-23). There is also reward for suffering endured for the sake of conscience, for the sake.of rightepusness, and for the sake of Christ (cf. T Pet. 2:19; 3:14; 4:14). Those not rich .toward God, those at ease in Zion, those following their own path, and those of whom all speak ' well will come to the “woe” pronounced by Jesus, for so the false prophets fared) (cf. Lk. 12:13-21; Amos 6:1-6; Prov. 14:11-13). The true servants of the Lord to­ day can expect the same treatment as was meted out to the true servants of the Lord in the Old Testament, and also given to Jesus when He was upon the earth (cf. John 15:18-21). Points and Problems 1. "And it came to pass in those days" (Lk. 6:12). In teaching this



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