King's Business - 1942-01



January, 1942

come to a hard place-, He will reach' down and help us over it. Jesus first chose twelve followers. He called them disciples. Eleven of these were good followers, but one was a' traitor. His name was Judas Iscariot. Would you like to iearn the names of the others? Would you like to add your name to the list? JeSus is still looking for followers. If you are not already one, will you start today? V t*. if*

The P IN EBROO K SONG BO O K S Now Being Published and Distributed by Eerdmans These famous chorus books of Percy Crawford s radio hour known the world over: No. I—-Young .People’s Church of the Air Hymn Book—35e ,

No. 2 — Pinebrook Choruses (Red)— 35e No. 3— New Pinebrook Songs (Green) — 35e No. 4 —The King’s Songs— -35c New Book to be Released Feb. I, 1942: No. 5 — PINEBROOK MELODIES — 3Se. Ten for $3.00. Order at once, for ship* ment Feb. I. Wm. B, Eerdmans Publishing Company, 234 Pearl Street • Grand Rapids, Mich.

Object Lesson T he N ight and the L ight OBJECTS: A box of ordinary matches, and a penny package of safety matches thal; have to be struck on the cover. LESSON: Did you know that matches are like Christians? Matches give light, and Christians are told to let their light shine. The Lord Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). This is a fresh-looking package of matches. We will strike some of them and' see whether they give light. [At­ tempt to strike them on some other substance than the cover.] Why don’t they light? “ I think you have to scratch them on the cardboard cover of the pack­ age in which they are bought.” We will see whether you are right.' Yes, the matches now light. Can these matches be like some Christians? > Yes, I am sorry to say, there are those who must have everything just right before they'will let their light shine .for Christ. If they are not at home where they can go to their own church, they will refuse to let their light shine. Or perhaps at church they will give a testimony, but dur­ ing the week at school or work they refuse to speak for Christ. These other matches are different, I hope. We will try them and see. They strike on their own box, but so did tlfl? others. But now, no m a t t e r where I strike them, they willingly and gladly give forth their light. I believe these matches represent the kind of Christians that are pleas­ ing to Christ; because they shine in all places. If we áre faithful in let­ ting our light shine, we shall have the' joy» of seeing others saved and glorifying God.

BOOKS for Christian Young People By DAN GILBERT

' Well-known Christian Youth Leader

THINKING YOUTH ’S GREATEST NEED....The Living Faith....$1 The Sunday School Times:' "Dan Gilbert’s book is a stirring challenge to youth . . . It is a striking fact that the most recent world developments have made this book even more timely than when it went to press.” The Baptist Standard: “This is a remarkable book for youth. It is Christian apologetics served red hot in the spirit of a college debate. Put it in the hands of boys and girls, and modern fallacies will not have much weight with them after reading it. Every paragraph drives the truth home.” The Lutheran Companion: “The book is arresting and' con­ vincing in its arguments and is peculiarly pertinent to the needs of modern youth, born into a perplexing and distraught age.” - - A MANIFESTO O F CHRISTIAN YOUTH ................................... -$1 Points the way out for Christian Youth in the present world crisis. EVOLUTION : THE ROOT O F A LL ISMS . . . $1 cloth bound; 50c paper bound Shows the relationship between evolutionism and Commu­ nism and Nazism. A “book of the hour,” which completely refutes the claims of the evolutionists. THE DANIELLE PUBLISHERS 4766 Norma Drive San Diego, California

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