King's Business - 1942-01



January, 1943

Y ou A re Invited to Open Tout Savings A ccount w ith EQUITABLE PLAN COMPANY "A Savings Institution” NOT a Building-L oan A ssociation 4% P er Annum Interest C. O. ANDERSON. M gr. Suite 302, Financial Center Bldg. Les Angeles 15 NAMES WANTED Addresses o f S.S. teachers and S.S. superior tendents know n to be readers o f funflarnenta^- Christian literature such as T he K ing ’ s ^ B u t in ess . YOUR NAME not m entioned; YOUR REWARD, one o f our best 128 page books--* i f you send 15 addresses or. m ore, plainly written, arid m ention this offer. THE BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE 810 North Wells Street Chicago, READER, are you interested enough in Biola to patronize King’s Business Advertisers? Hooker's Electric Shop will give 10% discount on electrical merchandise and supplies. _ _ _ _ Call, Write or Phone Tucker 9976 700 W. Sixth St. Los Angeles, Calif. ASS’N Illinois Ph. VA. 3935 704 S. Spring an assured income for life; Explan­ atory booklet, "Pleasant Tomor­ rows,” free. Write today; A Life Income from A Living Life’s crowning joy ishelp­ ing others. Here is a way to make your own future securewhilehelpingworthy yo.ung folks get a Christian education.Wheaton stands for the historic Christian faith and its students are active in spreading the Gospel. Hundreds o f its graduates are missionaries. W hile helping prepare young people for Christian leadership, your Wheaton Annuity gives you steady, generous income, reduces taxes, avoids loss, saves.ex­ pense and litigation. Mail Coupon for Free Book- Investment Wheaton Students in S teady I ncome - n e y e t 'a e t r t e Wheaton College Life An­ nuity banishes worry and provides you (andsurvivor)

mans 12:10. A few of the many mat­ ters of discipline are: 1. “Owe no man” (Rom. 13:8; Prov. 22:7). 2. “Study to be quiet, and to do your own business” (1 Thess. 4:11). 3. “Forgiving one another” (Eph. 4:32). 4. “Speaking the truth in love" (Eph. 4:15; Col. 4:6). 5. “Bear ye one another’s burdens” (Gal. 6:2). IV. ILLUSTRATIONS PORTRAYING FELLOWSHIP IN CHRIST (vs. 4, 5). The h u m a n body with its head is compared with the church, the body of believers, with Christ as the Head. The body is a unit in which all parts are interdependent, with differing functions, and no part can be injured without affecting another part (cf. 1 Cor. 12:12-31). And as different por­ tions of the body have diversified of­ fices to perform, so also does God or­ dain the placing of different gifts in the hands of Christians. Harmony re­ sults when all realize this fact. In view of this, how essential for unity it is for each member of the body to be willing to accept the lead­ ing of the Lord in another life as be­ ing different from his own! Each in­ dividual must ascertain his place in the body 6f Christ, i. e., God’s will for his life, according to the Word of God, the Spirit of God within, and the immediate circumstances. FEBRUARY 8, 1942 W H A T IS THE M EAN ING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? R omans 8:9-14 B y Richard W . Hightower Introduction God made man in His own image, perfect, a man able to choose between right and wrong. Because man chose to sin when the test came, he lost his perfectness and fellowship w i t h God. But God loved men enough that He sent His only begotten Son to die on Calvary’s cross for the sins of the world. He fulfilled His purpose, went back to heaven, and then God the Father sent His Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God, to dwell in the heart and body of each one who has in simple faith accepted the Son of God as his personal Saviour (1 Cor. 6:19, 20). Each body so indwelt now is the Spirit’s “ temple.”

The Secret of Christian Unity In their volume entitled BY FAITH, Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor bring the story of God's faithfulness in raising up the North American branch of the China Inland Mission. The nar­ rative includes the following concrete example of how true Christian unity is made pos­ sible: "We learned,, as we had never imagined that we should learn, what is the spiritual unity of the body of Christ, and what are its implications. . . . The missiona­ ries who had gone to the field were as varied in their denom­ inational views as were the council members, and the can­ didates offering to us were con­ nected with all the leading evan­ gelical churches. . . . » From a natural standpoint there was reason to suppose that we should become dismembered and f a l l apart. . . . There were divergent convictions among us. But also, there was the Holy Spirit in our midst, and He was our love and peace. The outcome was that we were all drawn close 'and ever closer together. ■•■ "When the China Inland Mis­ sion, in the year 1888, became in­ ternational, a friend remarked to Mr. Taylor: "The project is im­ possible. You don't expect that Americans will work happily with Englishmen, Scotchmen, and Irishmen, do you?' "And Mr. Taylor replied in his gentle unanswerable way: 'Well. I don't know; but it seems to me that the Holy Spirit is equal even to thatI'" (Pdges 205, 206) saints, helps their infirmities (Rom. 8:26, 27), It is He who enables a Christian to walk well-pleasing unto God (Gal. 5:16) and causes a life to bear fruit (Gal. 5:22-26). Furthermore, through Christ we have access by one Spirit unto the Father. Fellowship that counts is prayerful fellowship (cf. Phil. 1:4, 9-11; Eph. 1:15-23; Col. 1:9-14). III. POLICY OF INDIVIDUALS IN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (v. 3). Oswald Chambers made the per­ tinent statement: “Love is spontan­ eous but must be maintained by dis­ cipline.” One of the primary consid­ erations in the discipline of the Chris­ tian is a proper attitude toward him­ self, ifl accordance with 2 Corinthians 3:5; 4:5, 7; Philippians 2:3, and Ro­

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For Those Who Have Topics

I. OWNERSHIP (Rom. 8:9). The mark of distinction between the believer and the unbeliever is that one has the Holy Spirit and the other

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