King's Business - 1942-01

January, 1942



yourTeachersDeservetheBest! FEATURES: Introduction and The Lesson Verse by Verse By David J. Fant Lessons from the Lesson By Ira £ . David The Beginner's Class By Eleanor M. Jones The Primary Class and The Junior Class By Stella M. Rady The Intermediate Class By Maud E* MacPhee The Lesson Illustrated By Addle B. Anderson O N LY 10c. for complete samples o f sound Sunday ' School papers and quarterlies, including Teachers FREE I Catalog o f Sunday School and Church supplies CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, Inc 1507 N. Third St. Harrisburg, Pa.

11. Heaxt-seaxehing Prayer “Ye ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss” (Jas. 4:3). There is nothing so heart-searching as believing prayer, or even the, honest effort to pray in faith. . . . Let us asR whether our prayer be indeed the expression of a life wholly given over to the will of God and the love of man. . . . In that love—not indeed the love of perfect attainment, but the love of fixed purpose and sincere obedience-^-faith can alone obtain the blessing.—Andrew Murray. In Quietness “In quietness and in confidence shall'be your strength” (Isa. 30:15). Recently a magazine showed a pic­ ture of a girl lying back on j a g g e d glass. There were two other girls standing upon her. Underneath we read: “Koringa (mystery girl of the Orient) lies on jagged glass without injury while two other girls stand on her. The secret of this is to lie per­ fectly still.” •If a girl can lie on glass, why, oh why can’t we, who claim to be Chris­ tians, endure without injury any test, no matter how jagged! We are in His hands and can afford to be still. Don’t squirm! God is testing! —Selected. 13. As God Sees “Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end” (Psa. 73:17). In the house of God we can adjust the focus of the lens through which we look at life. Asaph “understood” the end of the wicked when he went into the sanctuary. He saw the whole of their lives, and their present pros­ perity and pride did not worry him when viewed in the light of their ul­ timate destiny. Thé sanctuary cor­ rects our view of things. It is an ele­ vation which enables us to see things as God sees them. —A London Journalist. Walking with God “And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years” (Gen. 5:22). Enoch “walked with God,” and he walked with men at the same time. He didn’t leave the earth in order to do it. He didn’t even get out of busi­ ness. He didn’t leave his family, nor shut himself out from all the activi­ ties of men. We cannot imagine that he failed in any of these things— and yet he walked with God. , . . He became God’s man, and as such he shared the peace of God, the joy of God, and finally the rest of God. ■■•Christian World, 12. 14.

’Twill take eternity to tell while we adore! —Anne Catherine White. A Sure Counsel “ Thou art my lamp, O Lord” (2 Sam. 22:29). The utter adequacy of Christ, and of Christ alone, for these difficult days should be stressed, even in cas­ ual intercourse. The sure counsel for an unsure tomorrow is not to be found in the numerous tomes of “experts” that are pouring from the printing presses, but in the tested Word of God, which should anew be a lamp to the world’s wavering feet, and a light to its path.—Wm. T. Ellis. 8. Communion, Not Commiseration “Continuing instant in prayer” (Rom. 12:12). Prayer can be made a potent force for peace of heart in a time of strain. I don’t mean “saying prayers,” nor mere asking for things. I mean prayer as communion with God. We get to the end of ourselves and cannot get any farther without a talk with some one. But that some one, if he is a fellow creature, is probably in the same plight as ourselves. Commiser­ ation is not communion. What about a talk with our heavenly Father? That is prayer—and it works! —A London Journalist. Fixe of God “Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire” (Heb. 1:7). It is not enough to declare the truth. We must have enough of the fire of God to make the truth attractive. Much of the indifference shown to­ ward our message may be the result of our own lack of fire. We have lit­ tle to attract men. Our approach is professional and our touch cold. We need God’s power within our hearts in such intensity that it Will warm our hearers and draw those with w h o m we come in contact. This and only this will make successful soul-win­ ners.—A. W. Tozer. 10. With Faith No Longer Dim “Let him ask in faith, nothing wav­ ering” (Jas. 1:6). Oh, to gaze on Jesus only With a faith no longer dim! In the dark days and the lonely, Just to have our eyes on Him; Jesus only as our Refuge, As our Hope, both strong and sure. Through life’s trials, and earth’s con­ flicts, Seeing Him, we can endure. —A, G. Fisher. 7. 9..

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