King's Business - 1942-01

January,. 1942



world-,' that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlast­ ing life.” What must I do to be saved? Acts 16:31:- “And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” What happens when Christians con­ fess their sins to1God? . 1 John 1:9: (Club leaders will re­ mind their clubs that this reference is in the First Epistle of John.) “If we confess our sins, he }s faith- •ful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unright­ eousness.” To whom do all things work to­ gether for good? Romans 8:28: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” What is settled for ever? Psalm 119:89: “For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.” [D e t a i l e d suggestions concerning methods of using these verses on A" x 5 memory c'ards, with the question and reference given on one side and the full ■verse filled in by the K. Y. B. C. mem­ ber on the reverse side, appeared in the June, 1941, issue of The Junior King's Business .] ’ New K. Y. B. C. Members T he fo llo w in g ha ve read th rou gh the G ospel a cco rd in g to John and are n ow m em bers “o f the K n o w Y ou r B ib le C lub: ARLINGTON , V A .: M arion A ch en b a ch ; D oroth y and E d ith B e st; S tanley .Bjorn.-, son ; B illy and D on a B re e d in g ; Juanita B row n ;. N orm a C ra bh ill; M argaret H o llis; K atherine, K e lle r; D oris M acN am ee; A nne D oris M arsh all; L eon M orris; R o b ert P oeh n er: B etty A nne R hodes, and S h ir­ le y W ild e r (D o ro th y E. O tten, lea d er). • H A ST Y , A R K .; B eulah B o w lin g ; June D a v id son ; N ina M ae and W ilm a ’ Lee H a n co ck ; B e tty . Lee, and A u d rey Sisco (F lo re n ce B illin g s, tea ch er}. PORTSMOUTH?- K Y ,: K ra g on C lub: A nna B u tle r; B etty C om bs: E lva and E ste lle G ro ss ; Do^a, H e rb e rt _and V ictor H a rp er; P h oeb e M a cin tosh ; M abel S pen ­ cer (K a th ery n L yn ch and E lizabeth Spooner, te a ch e rs). Sm ith B ra n ch C lub: L u cille C om bs; D ov e and P au lin e F u g a te ; M attie R uth G ross; L a w ren ce H a ys; .Jack H en son ; A dna H ou n sh ell; V io la M a cin tosh ; E stelle, R eva l, a n d 'R u b y N apier, and B iddle W a tA. -kins (O lg a P edersen and E lizabeth Spooner, tea ch ers). SANDU SKY, MONT.: D elm er and H a r­ vey C ottrell, and R ita M ay D u bbs (A lm a N y b e fg , tea ch er). How to Join the K. Y. B. Club T o becom e a member o f the K n ow Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel ac­ cording to John, lifting either your own Bible or n Gospel o f John which w ill be •ent upon request. When the Gospel has been read, ttnd a statement to this effect» signed by parent or Sun day-school teach­ er, has been sent to ^the E ditor o f the Junior K in g’s .Business, a K. Y. B. C. pin w ill be mailed. Sunday-school classes or clubs desising- to order ten or m ore Gos­ pels or pins may wish to share the cost o f these supplies, as the Lord directs! Gospels, postpaid* five cents each —- in quantity, three cents; pins, w ithout post­ age, tw o cents each. H ow ever, no one is to do w ithout a Gospel or pin because o ck o f money. Address; Junior K ing’s Business, 558 S, Hope Si., JLos Angeles, Calif.

“ I know my verse. May I say it?? Billy asked: “Yes,” the teacher told him. “ Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” “You have done well for a boy of your age,” the teacher said. “You have come every day and have learned ten verses. I am glad to give you the prize you. have earned,” She picked up a booftjnark, “But also, because you have been so faithful and have walked all the way today, I want to give you a copy of God’s Word.” She picked up a thick black book that Billy knew was a Bible and gave it to Billy. “Oh, thank you!” Billy was happy to have a Bible as his very own,. He held it tight in his hand. “I will read it. lots when I learn better how to read. Thank you for it. We did not come for the prize, but because after all Jesus had done for us, T thought I could walk to hear about Him.” That was what Billy could do for Jesus; what can you do?

winding stairs and tucked little Sylvia Gene into bed, a twice-adopted child -r-first adopted into the Scott family and then into the family of God. What Billy Could Do A True Story B y D o r o t h y C. H a s k in Billy and his sister, Mary, sat on the steps of their home and looked down the road. They lived in a small shack on the edge of the cotton field. They were 'waiting for the Daily Vaca­ tion Bible School superintendent, who had come every day for nearly two weeks to take them to the schoolhouse where the boys and girls met each forenoon. They had liked to go to sing and to hear the stories of Jesus. Today the/missionary was late. The sCm was high in the sky, “ I don’t think he is coming,” Mary said sadly. “He must have trouble with his car. He had some trouble, with it yester­ day,” Billy answered. “And today is the last day,” Mary said. * ■ “And I know my verse — 'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,’ '* he repeated. Billy did not have a Bible of his own, but every day the Bible teacher would write a verse on a piece of paper for Billy to learn, “If we had gone to school, we would have got our prize for going every day and for learning all the verses. But what can we do now?” Mary asked. “We can walk,” Billy answered and rose to his feet. “ But the sun will be so hot!” Mary looked at the sun and the long dusty road. “We can’t do anything great for Jesus, but we can walk to hear about Him. He did not have a car to ride in. He had to walk,” Billy answered. “All right.” Mary joined her brother, and together the two children walked the long way between their home and the schoolhouse where the Daily Va­ cation Bible School was held. It was hot, and as they walked, Billy and Mary wiped their foreheads many times with' their handkerchiefs. When they grew tired, Billy repeated his verse over and over again to think of what the Lord Jesus had done for him. At last they saw. the red school- , house. As. they walked it grew nearer and nearer. Finally, they reached the steps. As they did so, the bell rang and the other children marched out for recess to get a drink of water. Billy and Mary went into the class­ room to the teacher. “We are sorry we are late, but we had to walk,” Mary said. “Yes, Mr. Boynton had trouble with his car,” the teacher answered. “It must have been a long walk.” “It was,” Mary said.

“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (Psa. 119:11, 105). New Things At the beginning of the new year, K.Y.B.C. members would enjoy mak­ ing a list of all the new things that can be found in these references from the Word Qf God:

1. Ezek. 18:31. 2. Matt. 27:60. 3. Lk. 5:36. 4. John 13:34. 5. 2 Cor. 5:17. 6. Eph. 4:24. 7. Heb. 10:20. 8. Rev. 3:12. 9. Rev. 5:9. 10. Rev. 21:1.

Memory Work Why did God give “his only begot­ ten Son” ? John 3:16: “For God so loved the

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