King's Business - 1942-01

January, 1942


many of them, starving in soul. For the spiritual tragedy of our times is that literally tens of millions,' and I speak without exaggeration, of our young people are growing up without any religious training whatever. We of the churches have Christ. We of the churches have the good news of Him who alone can say, “ I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). We know the way of life in Him. May God grant to us parents, teachers, and ministers, a new vision of the need and a greater faithfulness in proclaiming to our American youth Him for whom their hearts are really hungry, JesUs Christ and Him cruci­ fied!

DAILY DEVOTIONAL READINGS [ Continued from Page 36] you are sufficiently tried by the di­ vine Refiner of souls, He will, in His own good time and way, bring you out as, gold. Be patient, therefore, to the coming of the Lord. And say continually amid all your Increasing knowledge of yourself, and amid all your increasing hatred of yourself, “I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.”—Alexander Whyte. 31. A Sunset Nearer “ Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God" (Eph. 4:30), Let us take heed that we grieve not the Spirit, so that He may reveal a little more each day, and that every sunset may see us a little more hum­ ble than when the sun rose; that is life and life worth living. Every sun­ set should see me a more apt disciple at the feet of Jesus.—R. C. C. WHAT HAS THE CHURCH TO OFFER YOUTH TODAY? [ Continued from Page 31] at Princeton. Now they are in the school of which I am Headmaster. The other day these boys, together with others of the student body, heard one of my friends present in pur school chapel the claims of Jesus Christ. His appeal was a calm and reasoned one, not calculated just to stir the emotions. A short time after it was made, the older of these boys sought out my friend in the place on the campus where he was staying. And this is what he said: “I am,” he said, “from Europe. They call us Jews, but we really have no religious affiliation at all. I want Jesus Christ in my heart.” He had heard Christ presented, positively and clearly. And he received Christ as his Saviour and Lord, quietly and sincerely, as did his younger brother. Our Part That is what the church has to offer youth today—the same Saviour whom St. Paul offered the Corinthians and Athenians and Galatians; the same Saviour Augustine preached to the heathen Angles in sixth-century Eng­ land; the same Lord whom Ansgar proclaimed to the Scandinavians, and Boniface declared to the Teutons; the same Jesus our Christian missionaries today are presenting in the Orient and isles of the sea. In Milton’s great elegy, Lycidas, there is a poignant' line which reads like this: “The hungry sheep look and are not fed.” Do you know of whom that line makes me think? It makes me think of our American youth—strong, able, trained in body and mind, but, so

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OUR LITERATURE TABLE [Continued from Page 32]

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