King's Business - 1942-01


January, 1942

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Unless Jesus comes, \ there cannot be & day of reckoning. Unless He comes, the deyil will never be bound. The Jewish nation •will never know its Messiah. The earth will never know a millennial glory. There will never be a new heaven and a new earth. But He will return, for He has given us the assurance Himself (Matt. 24:30; 25:31; John 14:3, etc.). Angels have given us the same promise : “This same Jesus, which Is taken up from you into heaven, shall so còme in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven" (Acts l : l i ) . Because He, will cóme—and it may be very soon.—we can ""speak with assurance that the dead in Christ shall rise. The saints of God shall be rewarded for service. The nations shall not always write their history in blood and tears. We know also that there will be a judg­ ment for the ungodly, and there will be a millennial reign. And finally,' the eternal day shall dawn, with a new heaven and a new earth, “where­ in dwelleth righteousness.”—L. T. T. Take It All Back , Recently in a prayer, offered by an earnest brother, we caught, this expression: “Lord, get all the religious rubbish out of our way, so that, we can get to real business for Thee.” That reminded us of the case of Job, who for days and weeks had to listen to the preaching of three earn­ est friends who thought their partic­ ular philosophies could be made to fit any situation. It is quite apparent that they did not know how to present God to Job,- for they failed- to lead his conscience into the presence of God. To be sure, they said many fine things with great eloquence. But- it was all in the garb of legality, tradi­ tion, and personal experiences.- Jt led into a field of argument that had no fences; and round and round the track they went-r-a torrent of words that only ministered to the spirit .of self-justification in Job. At last they ran out ef words, and God Himself spoke to Job. When Job. was through with controversy, he be­ came a penitent, and God could then arise as his Justifier. Then God took occasion to rebuke.the wisdom of the wise, telling them they needed to offer sacrifice for the sin of all their useless words (Job 42:7, 8). In all their preachments, .' there was “no answer’’- (Job 32:3). Religious rubbish! .Yes, God still has to deal with men and women who honestly think they have been representing Him, How easy it is for us as Christian workers to misrepresent God! Like Job’s com-

forters, we need to confess our own sin. It is too bad that many suppose they are speaking for God when they are only vexing Him (Job 42:-7). To use a modern expression, “They are talk­ ing through their hats.” They make themselves believe they have all the answers in their own reasonings and are able to perform the whole job of vivisection on any one who has a problem to present. Like Job’s friends, -they argue themselves into open re­ buke from God. In these days we have a day or a week set aside for every imaginable kind of cause. The editor of the Pathfinder recently suggested that we have a “Take-it-all-back Week.” We ’ thought it would not' be a bad Significance By DAN Washington, D. C., an< THE MYSTERIES OF SCIENCE: • The Reader’s Digest has given wide circulation to an article. by Bruce Bliven in the New Republic, enumer­ ating “The Eight Greatest Mysteries of Science.” The Writer interviewed a number of leading scientists, asking them to list what they considered to be the eight most baffling scientific mysteries. The results of this survey supply an interesting insight into the so-called “scientific mind.” Two of the “eight greatest mysteries of science,” according to the vote of the scientists; concern the manner in which evolution'occurred. But if they are mystified .as to how evolution took place, how do they know that it took place at all? They Still subscribe to the e v o 1u tio n a r y ,th e o r y , even though they confess themselves to be totally baffled to explain it or account for it. The -scientists consider spontaneous generation the greatest of mysteries, yet they fantastically cling to the pre­ sumption that it did happen. Says Mr. Bliven: “Scientists look back across mil- ■ lions of years to the time, when, among the inert - chemicals of which all matter’ is composed, the first cell must [bold-faCe type mine] have arisen and developed its power of multiplying by di­ vision, which is the fundamental fact of growth.’ How did that cell appear? “The fundamental stuff of the cell-and of inert chemical matter

idea for many a preacher and Chris­ tian worker to set aside- a special season for that purpose. There are many of -us who need to stand before our congregations and say: “Folks', I’ve ■been wasting your time. I have been giving you too much hot air and not enough of the Word of God! I have been giving you false comfort, wrong directions, and a lot of talk that means nothing for God and eternity.” What a blessing to the churches if many of the members would begin 19.42 with a “Take-it-back Week,” doing .all possible to recall the stream of talk which carried no blessing for' any one, served no constructive pur­ pose, and only displeased God! —Keith L. Brooks. of the News GILBERT . i San Diego, California is the same; but the cell is able to act upon itself to produce more cells — each exactly like itself. From' this natural phenomenon come all the complicated forms 'of life—fish, .animals, men. But how did it start?'It is impossible for scientists to. think life always existed. What incredible concate*4 nation of/circumstances brought •the first cell into being amdng the atoms of such substances as hydrogen arid oxygen?” , If it is “incredible,” hoW can sci­ entists be so certain that” some “con­ catenation of circuiristances” brought life into being? Is it not more 'Cred­ ible’ - to take the position that a cre­ ative act of the living God was re­ sponsible for the beginning of .life? THE MYSTERY'OF UNBELIEF: • Some of the scientists listed “the common cold” as among the eight greatest of mysteries. Medical science cannot prove it, but the assumption' is that the common cold is the prod­ uct of a “filterable virus.” However, man himself is a greater mystery than any virus which attacks him. The greatest of all mysteries per? taining to man is that which sur­ rounds the bottomless depths of de­ pravity in which the n a t u r a l man lives. Man’s perversity is nowhere more mystifying than in the realm of unbelief. Why do men prefer to turn their backs upon God? Why do they profess to believe the impossible [Continued an Pagt 39]

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