tical ministry of the Word. Some people would have us think that as believers today this passage in Malachi 3:10 is as vital as what we read in some of the epistles. The first thing to consider is the con text. That is the only proper man ner for Bible study if one would be led aright. Tithes, from verse eight, were to be brought to the temple. The church in the New Testament is called a number of things, and properly so, but it is never referred to as the "store house." Some of those tithes which were used for the ministry of the priests, were in the form of wheat, corn and other produce. There are some doubtless well-meaning pas tors who have erroneously taught that all money is to go into the church, and that the church is to be the storehouse for the disburse ment of funds entrusted to it. That is not taught in Scripture. Our stew ardship cannot be delegated to oth ers. This is not to say that you are in any sense to bypass your church. Doubtless the majority of your sup port may well go there. Yet, we must not overlook the many other avenues in the outreach of the Gos pel message which the Lord has given. So, while this passage does not mean us, the principle can cer tainly be applied. We should not give less under grace than those who lived under the law gave to the ministry of the Word. Q. Watsonville, Calif. "In connec tion with the Sermon on the Mount, can you tell me from Matthew 5:29 and 30 about the 'eye for an eye' and other statements? How do we apply these things to us today?" A. This should be considered from two points of view. First of all, these chapters (5, 6, and 7) present great
carnation? What Scripture would you use?" A. There are some of the large eth nic religions which hold to this view, however, there is certainly nothing in Scripture which would indicate that such has even a sem blance of truth. The Bible clearly teaches us that it is appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgment. Paul states this clearly, too, in Philippians 1:23. He was looking forward to departing and being with Christ. He had no de sire to come back and take on another form. Look at John 14:1-6. This is the Christian's hope, not anything that false religious views would hold as to being reincar nated. Buddhism teaches that after some 84,000,000 reincarnations a person is able to enter into an eter nal state of soul sleep. What an empty picture for the future. Our time on earth during this life is the only opportunity we have to make our decision for the Lord and to settle our eternal destiny. Q. Toledo, Wash. "Does Malachi 3:9, and 10 still apply to us today?" A. This book is the last of the minor prophets. It speaks to the point of the danger in mere form alism or ritual in worship. Malachi denounces the dangerous hyproc- risy of merely carrying on outward service which does not please God at all. The prophet, under the in spiration of the Holy Spirit, asks the rhetorical question, "Will a man rob God?" The answer comes back in the resounding affirmative. Then, it is pointed out how the children of Israel have done this very thing. It has been through their lack of bringing both tithes and offerings to assist in the prac
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