by faith since the Bible teaches it. Our Lord Jesus Christ is God the Son manifest in the flesh. He is deity one-hundred percent, but at the same time, He was humanity one-hundred per cent. This hap pened at no other time in the his tory of the world, and it will never happen again in this manner. On the basis of His deity He knew all things, however, He also reserved the right not to impart to His hu man consciousness this one fact. That was always His divine pre rogative while here on earth. Q. San Diego, Calif. "If Cod hears our prayers, then why do we not have the answers? I have been praying day and night that the Lord would save my son. He has been a slave to sinful habits lor some time." A. We are certainly very sympa thetic with the problem you have mentioned. We know how difficult it is when there are close relatives who have not as yet yielded them selves to the Saviour. First of all, let me assure you, if you are a be liever in the Lord Jesus Christ, that God does answer your prayers. Sometimes He may say "yes," on other occasions, "no," while still in some instances, when He knows that which is for our own good, the answer comes, "not yet" or "wait awhile." What we need is a greater faith in the Lord than we have even in our prayers. The Creator of the universe, we can have confidence to believe, will always do that which is right. He is a God of love, mercy, and compassion. He is not willing that any should perish. There are many illustrations of this fact. A very familiar one is that of Monica, the mother of Augustine of old. Before he was
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