Biola Broadcaster - 1972-03

lowship with those who were sin­ ners. Christ told them pointedly that He had come not to call the righteous, but rather the sinners, to repentance. The theme we find here is the love and the grace of God shown in His supreme desire to see all come to repentance and to receive eternal life. The Saviour

person but a meek and humble Jewish woman of the lineage of David. Dr. Charles Haddon Spurgeon many years ago declared, “Though creation may make a majestic or­ gan of praise it cannot reach the compass of the golden canticle we call the incarnation of Christ. There is more in that than in all of crea­ tion. More melody in Jesus in the manger than there is in worlds on worlds rolling in grandeur around the throne of the most high God." The virgin birth of Christ—a unique thing and wonderful in every as­ pect of consideration. The Bible gives us many won­ derful pictures of individuals from whom we can learn some very im­ portant truths to be applied to our own hearts. This is one of the im­ portant reasons for studying the Word of God on a regular and sys­ tematic basis. As you follow this practice, why do you not consider these various people to see what the Holy Spirit would teach you as a result? In Luke 15, beginning with verse 25, we have the interesting story of the prodigal son. This chapter deals with things that are lost, such as the sheep, the coin, and finally, the young man who left his father's house to go into a far country where he lived “ riotously." Have you ever thought about that older brother? It is interesting to see how all of these things affected him. This chapter should teach us the importance of having a concern and compassion for those who are spiritually lost. We must forsake any attitude of spiritual superiority. The Pharisees of Jesus' day could not understand anyone who had such compassion on the wicked. They accused Him of having fel-

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