than going in to join in the festivi ties. The father, filled with joy, went out trying to encourage his other son to join in the glad re union. All the older brother could do was to criticize his parent for going to the expense of all the merriment over such a sinful per son who had now come back to the fold. This parable suited perfectly the situation as our Lord talked to the scribes and Pharisees. They seemed almost to resent the fact that sin ners were repenting and receiving Christ's offer of forgiveness and eternal life. What bitter envy and jealousy were in their self-righteous lives. Everyone was happy about the prodigal coming home, except for this older brother. What a con trast between the wayward repent ing boy and his brother who had no real concern for the soul of another. He may not have been guilty of sins of the flesh, as the one who had gone into the very dregs of immorality. Yet, the pride and arrogance he had in his heart was a great transgression in the sight of the Saviour. Actually, the Pharisees were only deceiving themselves. There was a Boston millionaire some years ago who gave a house warming for his new mansion. He refused to invite his own brother, however, who had struggled in life just to keep from going under. In the course of the evening, a mu tual friend pointed out the fact that the relative was not there. The wealthy man explained, “Well, you know in society we have to draw the line somewhere." What a tragic way to look on one another when, in the sight of God, there is abso lutely no difference between men spiritually. We are all in need of
salvation, available only through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Love and compassion are insep arable in the life of a dedicated Christian. You can see this reflected in the lives of so-called Christians today. Relatively speaking, few there are who really have an in tense interest in the spiritual, phys ical, and financial welfare of others. This elder son had a superior, pas sionless outlook on the restoration of his brother. How childish to see those who are simply religious, but still lost, like the Pharisees and scribes of our Lord's day. Whitened sepulchers is what Christ called them, filled with dead men's bones. What kind of a concern do you show for those who need the Gos pel? Do you join in the rejoicing of the angels if heaven when a sin ner comes to the Saviour for eter nal life? THE PRODIGAL’S BROTHER There is a great danger for a per son's life when he shows no con cern or compassion for the needs of others. This can be seen clearly in the life of the older brother as taught by our Lord in the parable about the prodigal son. You will find this in Luke 15:29-32 where we note this man's selfishness. He could not see any further than his own needs and desires. There was only resentment in his heart as he insinuated that the fatted calf was too good for the wayward son. He grumbled that his father had never done this for him. It is unfortunate that, similarly, there are some peo ple in churches today who feel that money spent on evangelism and missions is a waste. A great philanthropist was called upon to dedicate a building to
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