Biola Broadcaster - 1972-03

come home. It is a more contempt­ ible attitude than that displayed when the wayward son came at first to ask for his inheritance only to spend it foolishly and in ignor­ ance. We should not be guilty of limiting the grace of God and with­ holding love for those who give evidence of being saved and need­ ing our compassion. This shows spiritual maturity. Our salvation does not stand in jeopardy because someone else comes to know the Lord. The older brother would not lose anything which was promised to him by the father. Notice verse 32 of this chapter in which we find that the hearts of angels and Christians in heaven and on earth united with the loving Father in rejoicing when a lost soul has been saved. Do you do this, too? Remember, the soul winner's crown is the reward of rejoicing. This parable teaches the love of God for even the vilest of sinners. While the prodigal son strayed away, he returned and was received into the father's house. Selfright­ eousness, based on works of the law, is a greater hindrance to sal­ vation than unrighteousness. None of us is better than the other, no matter the social, economic or physical stature. Rejoicing is right and proper for the people of God when a soul is born into the eternal family. Let us never sit in the seat of the scornful, but rather show our compassion and love for those who need to hear and receive the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

reach boys for Jesus Christ. He de­ clared, "If all our money, all our time, and all our efforts in building this structure resulted in the salva­ tion of just one life for Christ, it will not have been in vain." After the service, someone questioned that statement, "Don't you think you put it rather strongly? How could it all be worthwhile if all that happens results in just one person coming to Christ." The reply came back quickly, "It would be if it were my boy!" The concerned heart is willing to share no matter the costs. The older brother in the parable should have rejoiced not just be­ cause of the wayward life of this one who had returned, but also in the fact that he did come back to his father's house. Are there hearts so hard that they are not willing to share the salvation provided in Christ for all mankind? We must never come to the place where we say that the spending of our money on reaching men and women with the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a mis­ take. It is the greatest thing in all the world, and the reason why we are here on this earth. Are we building a pious com­ munity in the church which is only feeding off itself, not interested in the spiritual needs of others? Too many congregations are like this. They are satisfied with their own group, and just do not let anyone else try to get into it. Our purpose should be to join in the outreach of the greatest message of all the world. The Lord has not appointed us to be judge over others concerning their attitudes and decisions. This was the problem of the older broth­ er. When you get right down to it, he did not want the prodigal son to

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