Grange Valley Prospectus

Our Early Years …

If you have any questions about our nursery or you would like to come for a look around, please contact us on 01744 678300 or email

We offer 15/30 hours childcare for all 2, 3 and 4 year old children. We provide 15 hour childcare between 9am and 12pm OR 1pm and 4pm. We provide 30 hours childcare between 9am and 3pm. Further wrap around is available for all 3 and 4 year old children from 8am to 6pm for an additional charge

Our OUTSTANDING Ofsted inspection stated... ‘Early years is a hive of activity in which children are absorbed in their learning’. ‘Staff are highly vigilant, making sure children are safe and well cared for’. ‘Children get off to a flying start. Staff make sure that they get to know children before they join the Nursery, so that they can help children settle in quickly. Staff encourage children to develop independence in those early days, so that children are quickly able to make the most of their learning time’. ‘Staff use this information well to inform their interactions with children and assess their learning. Consequently, children make rapid gains in their knowledge and skills, catching up quickly from their different starting points’.

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