Grange Valley Prospectus


We are proud of the progress our children make during their time with us. Everyone matters and we always promote positive attitudes towards learning and discovery. We hold regular “celebration assemblies” to congratulate pupils on attendance, good citizenship, excellent learning behaviours and personal achievements. We also celebrate sporting success, outside achievements and those children who have been living our school values. Our pupils are encouraged to develop as well-rounded individuals! Our Curriculum we offer has been designed by the staff and children to provide a bespoke, unique and exciting learning experience which, through the nurturing of curiosity, aims for our pupils to develop into articulate learners with high aspirations. Within this broad and balanced approach, we place an important emphasis on developing resilience and perseverance and promoting well-being and health, with reading at the heart of everything that we do. Our ‘knowledge-engaged’ approach to subject disciplines, provides opportunities to build upon both knowledge and skills. Subjects are discretely taught (using the new EYFS framework, Development Matters and the National Curriculum as a basis and enhanced by carefully selected pedagogical research) and focussed upon progressively developing pupils’ knowledge, skills and vocabulary; attributes which our pupils can then take on through every step of their academic journey. All subjects are centrally driven by our values and ethos - Inspire to Guide, Challenge & Achieve- which permeate throughout everything that we do. The purpose of our curriculum is to ensure that our children are successful in life and learning, no matter what their starting points and barriers to learning may be. As a school, our curriculum sets high expectations for each and every child, meaning that we are relentless in our commitment to provide rich learning experiences which gives our children hope and ambition for the future.

Just as popular superheroes are provided with talents which they use to better the world, we believe that all our children are provided with their own talents which they can use to harness their achievements and aspirations.

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