King's Business - 1926-01

January 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

14___________________ __________ ___ It is easy to realize, In view of these facts, what It means to these servants of the Lord to come for several weleks to the foot of beautiful M t.. Elden, near the San Francisco Peaks, and have fellowship with one another and drink in the messages from those who have come to give God’s Word to them. It was "the delightful privilege of four of us from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Dr. Howard W. Kellogg, Rev. W. A. Hillia, Mrs. H. Norton Johnson and myself to be used in the study of God’s Word together with these broth­ ers and sisters in Christ of both “ pale faces’’ and “ red skins.” ^ The confer­ ence days began at six-thirty in the morning and continued with various sessions until the evening when from time to time we all gathered around a huge bonfire and listened to testimon­ ies and Gospel songs in the different Indian languages. Come with me now to one of these camp fires: Here is old “ Many Goats,’ ’ a former medicine man, speaking through an interpreter and telling of bis conversion four years ago. Let me tell you the rest of his story. Before

daughter of a chief of a hostile tribe living formerly on a fortified mesa. Hear her tell of praying all her loved ones Into the knowledge of Christ! Next comes the converted former snake dancer to flay the “ pale faces who crowd the towns to see the snake dances of the west, "like vultures,” he said in broken English, “ that hover over a dead horse." Then he concluded his story by telling of burning his Idols in the public square. The Indians are fond of this metaphor of the dead horse. When old “ Many Goats” was asked how he felt regarding the old life of heathenism, he grasped his nose firmly, looked over his shoulder and said, “ Let me get as far away as pos­ sible from that dead horse!” As a tender climax, here comes an Indian girl and boy each to plead sep­ arately that the pale faces will pray for the conversion of their heathen loved ones. Trained to stoicism as they both are, yet they both break down as they beseech us to pray! The heathen field in our own land, friends! ! May God give us a mighty burden of prevailing prayer and a never forgetting interest in it!

he was converted, he had taken a sec­ ond wife, and found out that if he took a widow with a daughter, he could get two wives for the price of one. So he acted accordingly and later made the.daughter the mother of his third family. When he accepted Christ as his Saviour, he came to the missionary and said, "Jesus man only has one wife.” So he kept his first wife, called her Sarah (in the Indian translation of course), gave himself the name of Abraham, divided his many flocks of sheep and goats among his wives so they would be provided for, sent two of his wives away and settled down to a life of poverty! Now see old "Myra” take her stand in the flickering fire light. She is the

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