King's Business - 1926-01

January 1926


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

In teresting S tories from Real E xp erien ce ------------- As told by Bible Institute W orkers---------------

Evangelistic Department

a healthy, steady growth by gaining one new member each week. Not one of the women attended church, be­ cause as they said, "We are too tired when Sunday comes to go anywhere, but we are glad to have a weekly Bible class brought to us at our noon hour.” One memher of the class said to the Bible teacher, "If you don’t mind I wish you would start at the beginning of the Bible, for I will confess that I do not know anything about the Book.” The teacher was only too happy to turn to Genesis and tell of the fallen and lost condition of man and his great need of a Saviour. Real interest in the lesson was very evi­ dent, for near the close of the lesson each woman that sat on a high laun­ dry stool around the long table strug­ gled to keep back the tears. The closing prayer was given and then came the sweet words from a beautiful - woman. Drying her tears she said, “ L,J am saved, not because o f anything that I have done, but through simple faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His shed blood on the Cross.” Her face was radiant with the light of eternal life and her co-workers at their daily round of toil are being enriched by the Christian stand she has taken, and the Bible class is growing through her personal work and testimony. . 3K Isk SPAN ISH W O R K Robert H. Bender, Supt— Goepel Meetings and House to House Work among 50,000 Mexicans in Los Angeles and Vicinity. “ And they went forth, and preached every. *. where.” i ~ a HE text heading of this arti­ cle shows that the disciples a went forth as they were com- _S manded. We feel in our ** ministry among the Mexican converts that they too should go and do likewise, hence we instruct them in the Word as to their privilege and re­ joice that they do gladly go forth wit­ nessing wherever they go. In a recent article we mentioned the fact of one of the converts leaving his work on the track and going to a town where there was a large colony of, Mexicans and no Christian workers. Also that two of our believers had gone to Mexico to spread the Gospel. One of these men writesiJ *UUMhve several large ranches that I melt and a Sunday School can be organized in each place, but I am here alone and cannot take care of more than one school at a time. Don't you think that I need more help? Then there is a family of six who have asked for baptism. I hope to establish the work there in January. Furthermore, the opportunity is great here, because the resident priest is a drunkard, so

ters, and it has long been our desire to see him a man consulted on the most important matter— that pertain­ ing to spiritual things. So it was with real thanksgiving, not long ago, that we learned from his wife that after a long conference with a young business man, this older man had taken from his pocket his Pocket Testament, and said to him "You have been talking about the things of this life, how do you stand regarding the future?” and then gave bis testimony regarding his own stand. Not only that, but he re­ quested his wife to call on the younger man's wife and find how she stood spiritually. The wife gladly complied with the request, the young woman was brought to the Bible Study Club, received the Lord as her Saviour, and a little later the prominent business man, taking the young couple for a diive, was heard quoting John 3:16 to the younger man, and urging upon him the importance of receiving the Lord Jesus Christ. How we need just such testimonies in the everyday field of life! One of the members of our Bible Study Club recently wenf back to her eastern home with a prayer in her hqart and our hearts, that she might be used in winning souls to the Lord. She was instrumental in leading sev­ eral of her own family to Him, and recently received a letter from friends back east telling of the Intense interest she had aroused by her testimony. She told them that the coming of the Lord was drawing near, and that Christians are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. The friend said, “We had never heard this before, and yet there it is in our Bibled. Where, oh where, can we get more of this teaching.” God’s Word in a Laundry In factory and laundry God’s Word is finding entrance. It was in the latter that a Bible class was instituted for women. At the beginning and from the human standpoint the class looked small— but very soon the membership took on

BIBLE W OM EN ’S W O R K Mrs. L y m a n Stewart, Supt.— Twenty-five Women Engaged in Houae to House Personal Work, Bible Classes and Soul Winning Clubs. A Real Harvest Month HO said July was a vacation month? Not the boys and girls of Bell and Maywood, for they had one grand good time, even though we had some of the warmest weather of the summer. The Bell School Board very graciously granted us the use of one of the grammar school buildings for our Daily Vacation Bible School, With an enrollment of 250 boys and girls and eighteen teachers and helpers, making a total of 268, we were very thankful for the splendid accommodations af­ forded us. If. you never had a real vaca­ tion in your life, let me suggest that you gather in the boys and girls and have a Daily Vacation Bible School, and you will get a great blessing to your soul, and win many dear children to the Lord. In our course of study we had music, mission study classes and hand work, all leading the child to see Christ. There were twenty-five defi­ nite conversions, and such a blessed sweet fellowship as workers together. The superintendent of the school was the only one receiving Remuneration; the teachers and helpers served faith­ fully the entire month, and they worked hard. Three of the teachers and helpers (High School graduates of June, 1925) are now students in the Bible Institute. They got a taste of the joy of service. The boys and girls expressed great disappointment that the school could not continue all sum­ mer. Another result of this school is a grammar "Euodia Club” in Bell, and also one in the new High School of the same place. - Boys and girls and our young people are hungry for the Word of Ood, and our part is to do all in our power to give it to them. The Presbyterian and Friends churches saw the need, and made this Daily Vacation Bible School possible. Blessed Results from Bible Class Teaching One of our Lord’s dear children has just gone home to be with Him, and we are rejoicing that through the study in the Bible class she was brought definitely to know that the Lord Jesus was her Saviour, and her homegoing was only a happy release from months of suffering. It has been our joy to watch the growth in grace of the husband of one of our Bible Club members. He is a man of prominence and influence in his home town, a man consulted by business men on many important mat­

If you are engaged in any form of soul-saving work— and if you are not you should be, for that is the distinct call of the Lord to every Christian— you will be blessed and helped by the reports of the Lord’s bless­ ing recorded in this department from month to month. Allow your friends to share these helpful things with you by sending them gift subscriptions to The King’s Business.

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