King's Business - 1926-01


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January 1926

campaign, when over a hundred boys and girls gathered afternoon and even­ ing to listen to the preachlng-of the Word of God. Through the courtesy of the Bible Institute their large tent was used and Evangelist M. H. Reynolds, Superintendent of the Shop Depart­ ment, did the preaching. Night after night some three to six hundred people gathered in the tent to listen to the old fashioned Gospel message. Many notes of appreciation have already come from a large num­ ber that have been helped to a better understanding of the Scriptures. Sev­ eral young people are looking to the Institute, hoping that the way may open for them to take the training. The, pastors are unanimous in saying it was the best campaigh they had had in the years past. Pray that God may send Just such a service into every community that the Word of God may “ run and be glorified.” \M£. M Ite B IO LA H A L L W O R K David Cant, Supt.— Our City Miasion for Men in the center o f Loa Angeles. Meeting® co n ­ tinuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. N oon-day Prayer Meeting. the small loan of fifty cents for what is known in the language of the street as “ a flop.” Like many hundreds be­ fore the solemnly promised to return it next day. We assured him he could have a much better “ flop” with us at Biola Hall than any place in the city— nice private room all to himself, with fresh sheets, all the covering neces­ sary, without money and without price. (Continued on page 40) OHN was a great big strap­ ping Irish lad. He breezed into Biola Hall one after­ noon, well dressed, well mannered, polite, requesting

He may give us the desire of our heart to visit Mexico some day and visit our men of the Bible class and encourage them in the work they are doing and, if it be the will of tne Lord, start a Training School down there. U i A t W O R K IN TH E SHOPS Marion H. Reynold», Supt.— Meeting» Held in Shop», Factoriee, Car-Barn» and Fire Engine Houeea in Loa Angeles. Six Churches Cooperate in a Union Evangelistic Effort ANY of the friends who have been praying for a revival in the Church of Christ will be glad to know of the ser­ vices recently conducted by six churches in the Southeast section of Los Angeles. Since the very beginning of its exist­ ence under the leadership of the editor c f this magazine, our own dear Dr. Horton, Trinity Congregational Church has led other churches in that section of the city because of its adherence to the fundamentals and its practical methods of evangelism. And so, in the effort .lust put forth, Trinity Con­ gregational led the way, and at the suggestion of the Pastor, P. E, Fry, an Institute graduate, and with the co­ operation of Brother Al. Griewe, another B.I.O.L.A. graduate and pas­ tor of the Jefferson Street Baptist Church, and the able assistance of Rev. E. J. Morse, pastor of Central Christian, E. E. Johnson, pastor of the Second United Brethren, Pastor C. E. Blume of the Bethel German Method­ ist, and, Pastor S. M. Cheek of the Woodlawn Methodist, a fine spirit of cooperation and evangelism was de­ veloped. The accompanying picture shows one of the splendid features of this

much so that instead of celebrating his mass he gets drunk so that he cannot officiate. The Catholic people here do not care for his services; they prefer the Gospel instead.” Surely this is a challenge for the Church. Will you not pray the Lord of the harvest to thrust forth laborers in this great field of Mexico, and that He will enable this servant to do what he can in preparing those who can go? One of the women converts told us how she was able to win a family through her testimony, and the chil­ dren who formerly were running the streets are coming to a class we have for them Sunday morning at Biola Hall. This same neighbor asked her how she made such good tortillas, and she told her that she always asked the Lord to help her make good cakes. Another note of praise we have to give to the Lord is because another member of our Bible class has in­ formed us that he will soon be return­ ing to Mexico. We asked what he was going to do. “ Well,” he said, “ I have learned to make certain fancy articles and hope to sell them from house to house and in that way introduce the Gospel also.” This will be one of the very best ways to get the Gospel to the people, rich and poor, high and low, and we are going f.o stock him with a good assortment1when he leaves. Who knows what a mighty work be may be able to do for his Lord? We were impressed anew while writing this article with the great privilege which is ours in being instrumental in set­ ting others to work in His vineyard, and that it has been well worthwhile to give all the -time which we have to win the Mexican to Christ. So, dear friends of “ The King’s Business Fam­ ily," we covet your prayers that God may use us more and more to the win­ ning Of many more Mexicans and that

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