January 1926
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Pointers for Preachers and Teachers ( H o m i l e t i c a l H e l p s )
( THE RELATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT TO JESUS “ He shall glorify Me.” (John 16:14) (1) He glorified His humanity (Luke 1:35). (2) He was the seal upon Him (John 1:33; 6:27). (3 ) He anointed Him ( A c t s 10:38). ■' (4) He led Him (Matthew 4 :1 ). (5) He strengthened Him (Heb. 9:14). (6 ) He raised Him from the dead (Romans 8:11; 1 Peter 3:18). (7) He testified of Him (John 16:26; 16:13, 14; Acts 1:8; > 2 Cor. 3 :3 ). — Geo. C. Needham. CHRIST IN ALL THE SCRIPTURES The Bible has one theme— Law and Gospel, history and prophecy, every part, as well as the completed whole, affirms, defines, and illuminates the one supreme subject. From first to last the Book speaks of Christ and His work— fore-shadowed and performed. Thus: In Genesis, the Seed of the Woman. In Exodus, the Passover Lamb. In Leviticus, the Atoning Sacrifice. In Numbers, the Smitten Rock. In Deuteronomy, the Prophet yet to come. In Joshua, the Captain of the Lord’s Host. In Judges, the Great Deliverer. In Ruth, the Celestial Kinsman. In the King Books (6 ), Jesus, Promised King. In Ezra, Restorer of the Temple.' In Nehemiah, Restorer of the Na tion. In Esther, Advocate and Propitiator. In Job, “ My Redeemer,” for patient Souls. In Psalms, My All in All for ardent Souls. In Proverbs, the Pattern for prudent Souls. In Eoclesiastes, the Goal for seeking Souls. In Song of Solomon, the Centre of all for loving Souls. In the Prophets, the coming Prince of Peace. In the Gospels, Christ coming to Seek and Save. In the Acts, the Risen Christ with His finished Work. In the Epistles, the Christ waiting at God’s right hand. In Revelation, the Christ returning to Reign. — Dr. J. W. W. in “ The Witness."
13. A great woman— 2 Kings 4:6,7. 14. Esther— Esther 4:15, 16, 17. (2) The notable women of the New Testament: 1. Elizabeth— Luke 1:5, 6. 2. Mary— Luke 1:28. 3. Woman with issue of blood— Mark 5:34. 4. Syrophenician woman — Matt. 16:28. 5 . Mary Magdalene— Matt. 27:61. 6. Tabitha (Dorcas)— Acts 9:36. 7. Lydia—Acts 16:14, 15. 8. Priscilla— Acts 18:2, 3. 9. Other women— Matt. 27:55; Acts 1:14; Acts 17:4; Phil. 4:3.— Gospel Banner. CHRIST OUR LIFE (1 ) He is our Life (Deut. 30:20; John 6:47). (2 ) He is the Bread of Life (John 6:35, 48). (3 ) He is the Fountain of Life (Psa. 36:9; John 6:35). (4 ) Our Life is hid with Christ in God (Col. 3 :3 ; 1 Sam. 26:29). (5) When Christ * * * our Life shall appear, then shall we also appear with Him in glory (Col. 3 :4 ). — E. A. H. SEVEN GOLDEN LINKS WHICH BIND BELIEVERS (1) Crucified together with Christ * (Gal. 2:20). (2) Quickened together w i t h Christ (Col. 2:13 ). (3 ) Raised together with Christ ( Eph. 2 :6 ). (4 ) Seated together with Christ in heavenly places (Eph. 2:6). (5 ) Sufferers together with Christ (Romans 8:17). (6) Heirs together with Christ (Romans 8:17). (7 ) Glorified together with Christ (Romans 8:17). The first and second of these won drous links, binding us indissolubly to Christ Jesus our Lord; belong to the past, for our crucifixion and quickening together with Him have already taken place, as the result of His finished work and accomplished sacrifice. The third, fourth, fifth and sixth form our present privilege. The seventh points onward to our future portion. — Twelve Baskets Full.
CHOSEN THINGS Foolish things (1 Cor. 1:27). Weak things (1 Cor. 1:27 ). Base things (1 Cor. 1:27). Despised things (1 Cor. 1:27). Things which are not (1 Cor. 1:27). “ That no flesh should glory in His presence.” — D. L. Moody. HE IS ABLE To Save—Hebrews 7:25. To Keep— Jude 24. To Succor—Hebrews 2:18. To do Abundantly— Eph. 3:20. To Make Grace Abound— 2 Cor. 9:8. To Subdue— Phil. 3:21. To Present Us Faultless— Jude 24. — T. D. W. M. SEVEN VIEWS OF CHRIST IN PSALM 23 — F. J. D. THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (1 ) In Creation— Gen. 1:1. (2) In Incarnation— Matt. 1:20. (3) In Crucifixion—Hebrews 9:14. (4 ) In Regeneration— John 3:6. (5) In Revelation— 2 Peter 1:21. (6) In Interpretation — 1 Cor. 12 : 10 . (7 ) In Invitation— Rev. 22:17. — T. E. THE SEVEN-TWISTED CORDS OF CHRISTIAN UNION (1 ) One Body (Eph. 4 :4 ). (2 ) One Spirit (Eph. 4 :4 ). (3) One Hope (Eph. 4:4.) (4) One Lord (Eph. 4 :5 ). (5) One Faith (Eph. 4 :6 ). (6) One Baptism (Eph. 4 :5 ). (7 ) One God and Father of Xll (Eph. 4 :6 ). — D. L. Moody “ WOMEN OF FAITH” (1 ) The notable women of the Old Testament: 1. Eve— Gen. 3:20, 21. 2. Sarah— Gen. 23:1. 3. Rebekah —- Gen. 24:57, 58; 25:20; 27:46. 4. Moses’ mother — Ex. 2:3. 5. Miriam— Ex. 15:20, 21. 6. Rahab— Joshua 2:14. 7. Achsah— Joshua 16:19. 8. Deborah— Judges 4:9. 9. Naomi— Ruth 2:19, 20. 10. Ruth— Ruth 1:16, 17. 11. Hannah— 1 Samuel 2:1. 12. Widow of Zarephath— 1 Kings 17:15, 16. (1 ) The Shepherd—V. 1. (2 ) The Leader— v. 2. . (3 ) The Restorer— v. 3. (4 ) The Comforter—▼. 4. (5 ) --The Preparer— v. 5. (6) The Anointer— v. 5. (7) The Follower— v. 6.
Excellent material for sermons and Bible readings may also be found in the C h r i s t i a n Endeavor Department on page 33, and in the Studies in the Epistles of John by Mr. Horton on page 29.
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