T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
January 1926
- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaB^Haghagaaaa^ HHaaHMaHnHMMMHMHWaMMHHHMMM*llaaaaaaaaaaaaailllaaallaaaaaaaaaaaaala _ / ♦j j 1 Our Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China Superintendent . . L , . .— ■■■-,« n—W—W......................... ......... .......■....... »»»-^ £ aC t,TheeVw o?k 'lS(w h lc h ris recognized b ? "t h ^ d lffe r e n t evangelical m issions as one o f the best in China) h a . three d ep artm en t.: { I ] Thirteen *E:Vangell*tlci^ M d ^ * w it h th ir te e n men °ln £evo«ng the m o rn in g , to Bible study, and the a fte r- n ° ° n(* ,t0 f i e A B«t«m *Gm b le School ¿ » d Conference a t Nanyph (one of C h in a ', five .a cre d m o u n ta in .). H u n d re d , of c o n v e r.lo n . have resulted from the work done am ong the th ou san d , of pilgrim s. “ TRUK HAPPINESS AT HAND" the
This may have been the only trip that he had made or was to make, or it may have been one of a long series. If he had children waiting at home he probably soon brought from amongst his possessions some copper cash which had been rubbed smooth and bright on the great dragon which forms the central figure in the main flight of stairs leading to the largest and most important temple in the Nanyoh district, and which is on the outskirts of the little town of Nanyoh. These are sewn into the caps of the children as a preven tative against the attacks of evil spirits. He may have pur chased some grotesque toys from the Nanyoh market, which I b a place of great activity and importance for the few weeks that comprise the pilgrim season. One of the most popular of these toys is a red dragon, and a more hideous beast it would be hard to imagine. Amongst his other possessions a copy of “ True Happiness at Hand” came to light and was placed on a table or shelf with very little thought of the possibilities for true Joy that lay bound up in the little book. Not long afterward how ever a friend came in and picked the book up. “ True Hap piness,” he thought. “ Can such be possible, and where is it to be found?” Arrested thus by the title he read the book let through, and re-read it almost immediately. ’ He was thoroughly gripped by the message from the Word of God (Continued on page 48)
OME two or three years ago a pilgrim, returning from his visit to Nanyoh, was handed a little book entitled “ True Happiness at Hand.” It did not interest him, but some Instinct prompted him to carry it home. Whether that instinct was one of passing curiosity or respect for the one who had handed him the tract, or grew from that thriftiness with which most Chi nese are blessed and which forbids any waste, does not particularly matter in this story. God used that copy to the saving of a soul. Some day perhaps we may know the grand total of lives that have been won to God through the reading ot that little book, but it is safe to say that it has had an Important part in the conversion of many thousands from dark peacelessness to true Joy in the finished work of Christ. We may well imagine that pilgrim as he arrived home, probably both footsore and weary, from his walk of over one hundred miles, without counting the actual ascent of the mountain, which.many pilgrims do not make. He may have been a devoutly religious man, sincerely believing that his idolatrous worship was to bring some physical gain to himself or to his family. Perhaps he sought long life for aged or ill parents. Or he may have been a man of no very strong religious convictions who had made a vow.., to visit Nanyoh under some pressure from his family or community.
5 A group o f Chinese and fo re ig n e r , on the s te p , of the m a i n tem ple at the .a cre d m oun tain of Nanyoh. The man in the center is rubbing a b r a s , coin on the d ragon’s head. Th is he w ill sew on h i. son’s cap to ward off evil spirits. In t h e picture, which w as taken som 6 tim e ago, appear the fam ilia r faces of Dr. R . A . Torrey, Dr. Jonathan Go forth, R ev. P . C. H . Dreyer, R e v . W a lte r T . Steven, and M r. Cheater Rutledge.
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