King's Business - 1926-01


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January 1926

Practical M e thod s o f Personal W o r k ; For “ Defenders of the Faith" T. C. Horton Defending the Faith In the Arctic Regions

LESSON EIGHTEEN HOW TO DEAL WITH RUSSEL^ITES “ RUSSELLISM” as a (so-called) system of religion, was originated about the year 1884 by one C. T. Rus­ sell (or as he called himself “ Pastor” Russell). The organization of which he was the head masquerading at dif­ ferent times under different titles, as Indicated by the diagram shown here­ with, it being a favorite trick of “ Pas­

“ Defender of the Faith Prayer Circle” in every community. We added our hearty commendation of this idea and said that we would be glad to give the names of all the “ Defenders” in any community to one who would like to call them together for this purpose. This month we have a similar sug­ gestion from another “ Defender” who says: “ I think it would be fine if you

Preaching the Gospel in Alaska is no job for Christians who are looking far an easy time, as is proved by the following letter received from Rey. H. W. Greist, a Presbyterian Missionary at Point Barrow, renewing his sub­ scription to The King’s Business: “ We suffered the loss of our manse by Are in mid-winter, during the long,

tor” Russell’s to assume names which would de­ ceive people into thinking he was the successor of such men as Talmage and Spurgeon. Prof. W. G. Moorehead says of this system that “ it is a mix­ ture of Unitarianism, Universalism, S e c o n d Probation, Restoration- ism and the Swedenbor- glan method of exegesis.” The name by which these people usually are known at this time is that of “ International Bible Students” and, like all false cults, they have in­ corporated into t h e i r teachings enough truth to serve as a bait for the un­ wary and those not well grounded in the funda­ mental doctrines of the Christian faith. What Russelllsm Teaches I. As to the Doctrine of God: (1 ) is an uncreated spirit being; no one knows any­ thing about His personal­ ity; He is unrevealed. This assertion is a di­ rect contradiction of the Scriptures which teach

cold, dark ‘Arctic night’ w i t h temperatures of fifty and more below zero. My wife and baby es­ caped in their night gar­ ments only. All was lost, —clothing, food and bed­ ding, an untold disaster in this far, isolated North. The writer was itinerat­ ing down the Coast at the time and returned to find his home and many pre­ cious belongings gone. But the Lord was gra­ cious, His providences un­ failing, and we have daily evidehce of His overshad­ owing love. “ A b u n c h of ‘King’s Business’ was carried out, charred a little, but nevertheless very much valued, and f o u n d a lodgment in my crude, temporary desk within a two-roomed deserted old trading post in which we are now staying. In the absence of many other helps, these most excel­ lent friends are proving of invaluable assistance in preparing my t h r e e weekly sermons, Bible readings at prayer meet­ ings, etc. ‘7 am a busy mission­

It teaches that God

that He is both the Creator and The Revealed One, Jesus Christ being the express image of His person (Heb. 1 : 8 ) : “W h o bein ft the brigh tn ess o f Hie ( lo r y , and the expreea Image o f his per­ son, and upholding a ll thins:* by the word o f hia power, when he had by him ­ se lf purged our sins, sat down on the righ t hand o f the M ajesty on high.” (John 1 :18 ): «N o man hath seen God at any tim et the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom o f the F ath er, he hath declared him .” (2) It teaches that Jesus Christ is the highest order of created being,— in fact, the archangel Michael, and through him all other angelic beings were created. They say that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, or rather that the archangel Michael lost his identity in the man that was born of the Virgin Mary. He was born a per­ fect man,— no more, no less (Vol. 1, 179). He was not possessed of two natures,— human and spiritual,— but

would tell the ‘Defenders’ through The King’s Business, to set aside each month one day for special prayer so that on the same day we could unit­ edly pray for more strength and guid­ ance in the great work to which the Master has called us. * * • Surely the Lord would bless such a movement on our part, for prayer is the great need in these perilous times. Personally, I realize the need of continual renewing of power for service and, praise His name, He never falls me.” This idea could be carried out by an entire Prayer Circle, or by individuals in the homes, and we are suggesting the third Monday in each month for this purpose. This is the date set for the regdlar monthly meeting of the S o u t h e r n California Premillennlal Association, of which the Editor is a member, and he is sure that the Asso­ ciation would be glad to include the "Defenders of the Faith” in their prayers during the devotional hour. Let us hear from you about this.

ary, in that my medical work is ex­ tensive and difficult, my surgery exten­ sive, my duties manifold in number and character. These months of severe testing are proving anew that the foundation of God standeth sure and He is indeed precious. I have con­ sistently preached the Cross, His Aton­ ing Blood, Deity, Virgin Birth, Bodily Resurrection, Coming Again for His blood-washed church, etc., and so I know that these trials are only permit­ ted as a trial of my faith.” We know that every “ Defender of the Faith” will be glad to take this devoted and heroic missionary and his family upon their hearts for prayer that God’s blessing may rest upon His service in larger measure than ever before. May we not all get an inspira­ tion for more earnest and consecrated effort than ever before for Him who did His best for us! More About Prayer Circles In December we published a letter from a “ Defender” suggesting a

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