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sionaries in these countries Latin America is Just as pagan as any other pagan land in the world. This great land, so near us geographically, is a land of churches and of crosses^ but is Ignorant of the Church of Jesus Christ and of the Cross where the Sav iour died for our sins, and most of an ignorant of the resurrection of our blessed Lord, who ever liveth to make intercession for us. Latin America is burdened by superstitious beliefs ana idolatrous practices fostered by an in stitution which claims to be Christian. (Interesting accounts of work done among the Latin America people will be found In each number of The ” King's Business under the heading “ Spanish Work” In the Evangelistic Department.) The only w.ay we can send the Gos pel to any land Is to take It. If we are sure God is not definitely leading us to go with the message of salvation to this or some other country, then, and then only, may we stay at home. But our obligation does not cease because we are not led to go. The most press ing need on the mission field is real prayer-missionaries at home. We can pray, and It is our duty and privilege to make intercession for those giving the Gospel to the unsaved. We can give. How little we give in compar ison to that which we spend upon our selves. If we tithed, regularly and systematically, and then gave wisely and Intelligently, the material needs of the faithful missionaries In Latin America could be easily met. Faithful colporteurs have taken the printed Word of God throughout the Latin American lands to a great ex tent, but the crying need is for resi dent missionaries— witnesses to live the life of Christ in the midst of the darkness and filth of heathendom. JANUARY 31, 1926 The Call, the Claims, and the Con quests of the Church Acts 13:1-3; Heb. 10:24, 25; 1 T^ess. 1:1-10. (Denominational Day. Beginning C. E. Week.) Acts 13:1-3 shows the Importance of permitting the Holy Spirit to be the Presiding officer of the church. He would administrate all the affairs of the church if we would so permit. Hp would select the officers of the churches and of our Christian En deavor Societies if He were consulted in the matter, but instead He is in sulted by our indifference to His office. The Holy Spirit calls us to become part of the Church of Christ and then calls us each to separation from the world and to definite service. J)r. A. T. Pier son’s definition of the visible Church' is “ An organized body of Christian be lievers indwelt by the Holy Spirit, called out into separation from the world for mutual service and spiritual worship for the great work of the world’s evangelization and permanent witness to the Word of God and the Christ of God.” The first idea is sep-
Scotland, plus the influence of his departed brother, David, who some years before had said that the ministry was the most blessed work on earth. A flame was kindled in the heart of George Mueller to enter definite Chris tian work by roading a missionary journal. Then came a desire to prove to the world the existence of a living, loving, ever-present, prayer-answer ing God; meditating on A. H. Franke’s work for orphans in Halle led him to think of the thousands of homeless waifs in England and to ask if he could not plan under God in some way to provide for them. His work for thousands of orphans and his support of scores of missionaries was a positive demonstration that God hears and answers prayer. D. L. Moody was con strained to give his entire time to the Lord’s work through the experience of going with a Sunday School teacher, who had only a few weeks to live, to the homes of the members of his class, day after day for ten days. Every member of the class yielded to Christ and on the eleventh night he called his class together for a prayer meeting and there God kindled the fire in the soul of D. L. Moody. Before this, the height of his ambition had been to become a successful merchant, but as the dying teacher sat in the midst of his class, talking and praying with them, Mr. Moody said, “ O, God, let me die rather than lose the blessing I have received tonight.” His one ambi tion from then on was to win souls to Christ. JANUARY 24, 1926 Why and How Should We Send Chris tianity to Latin America? Jer. 31:31-34. (Missionary Meeting) We should send the Gospel to Latin America because these people have not vet received the Gospel. Aside from the work that has been done in the last few years by a small number of mis
S u n d a y S c h o o l IM e j^ c r tu r e Helps on the International Uniform Lesson Course THE “CHRISTIAN LIFE” SERIES SUNDAY SCHOOL QUARTERLIES AND PAPERS Fundamentally Sound. A Full Line of Helps for the Different Grades of the School. Samples of the Full Line Free on Application Helps on the Whole Bible Lesson Course On the Topics o f the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association, we publish PRIMITIVE BIBLE SCHOOL QUARTERLY - - • Howard A Banks, Editor BAPTIST BIBLE UNION LESSON LEAVES - . . . - - T. T. Shields, Editor Samples Free on Application Union Gospel Press, Box 680 , Cleveland, Ohio ■ ■ .................. * •'T"'^T'
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