King's Business - 1926-01


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January 1926

SelectNotes By AMOS R. WELLS, Lltt D., LL.D. The WerM's Greatest 8unday-8ehool Commentary far 1926 It Contains —The greatest possible wealth of practical help—all presented In easily workable manner and sug­ gestive of the best method of treatment. Maps, charts. Illustrations from famous paintings and of recent exca­ vations. It Furnishes—The foundation of knowledge of the spir­ itual teachings and the Inspiration which teachers of all grades require. This is the fifty-second annual volume —a publishing record unequaled except In the publica­ tion of the Bible itself. S I.90 net, $2.00 postpaid a A T O P N O T C H T E A C H E R By Or. A. H. McKinney For inspiration, effective effort and general self-im­ provement every good teacher will want this progres­ sive and practical volume. 254 Pages. Price. $1.50 W . A . W ILDE COM PANY B08T0N CHICAGO 131 Clarendon Street Madisen Terminal Building

Oxford Bibles Children Beautifully illustrated Oxford edition, that any child would bo glad to own. Durably bound and^clearly printed. In­ structive as well ai*gRereiting. OXFORD PICTORIAL BIBLE Containing vivid and true pictures o f scenes and custom s in Bible Lands. They instruct as well as interest. Clear m inion type like speci­ men shown. Size 5 % x3 % x I % inches. ( Weight 1 lb.)

aratlon— that element is prominent throughout the whole Bible. Qod’s great plan for His people in both the Old and New Testaments is separation (2 Cor. 6 :17 -7 :1 ). The first and abso­ lutely fundamental call of the church is to separation from the world. In the second Scripture we have mutual consideration and association. We are responsible as members of the Church to do all we can to help one another, especially in the Christian life. Help the new converts; instruct them in the prayer-life; guide them in Bible study; arouse the indifferent and lazy ones; exhort the careless ones; encourage the timid; incite them to do personal work. Mutual helpfulness in the Christian life is an essential part of the Church. The Church not only Beta before us our duty to one another as individuals, but also our duty to the Church as a body. We need the association with fellow-believers as well as separation from unbelievers. The Church assem­ bles for the purpose of worship, for instruction in the Word of God, for Christian fellowship and to remember our Lord’s death in the Communion Service. We need all these meetings. Much of strength and joy depends upon associations in worship and work and study. This is especially true in times of coldness, . indifference and apostasy within the Church and in times of persecution without. The coming of the Lord is one of the most powerful incentives to. love for the brethren and to mutual helpfulness (Matt. 18:19, 20). In the third Scripture reference we have a beautiful illustration of the work and conquest of a normal church. They turned- to God from idols. Not from idols to God. Men often try this and fail because of lack of power, but when we turn to God He gives us strength to turn from our sins. The next step is to serve the living and true God. Definite; whole-hearted service. Finally, the expectation— looking and waiting for the Son of God to appear from heaven. This is Just as impor­ tant as service and is part of the life of the true church (Acts 1 :1 1 ;' Matt. 24:42; 25:13; Luke 21:36; Mark 13: 35-37; Phil. 3:20, 21). In verse 3 of this chapter Paul speaks of their work of faith and labor of love and patience of hope, and Dr. Scofield aptly says, “The work of faith is to turn to God from idols; the labor of love is to serve the living and true God; and the pa­ tience of hope is to wait for Hia Son from heaven’’ (see Titus 2:11-13). MORE BONE THAN MEAT Stories are still being told about that eccentric Methodist Rev. Peter Mac­ kenzie. It is said that he was being entertained one day by a good lady who, to put it mildly, was not greatly noted for her generosity. The joint, when it appeared on the table, was a well-trimmed ham-bone. There was an abundance of bone, but an ominous scarcity of ham. “ Will you ask a blessing on this food, Mr. Mackenzie?’’ “ Nay, ma’am,” came the prompt reply. “ Let those who had the meat ask a blessing on it.”

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