King's Business - 1926-01


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January 1926

A New Bible S to ry Every Night

American, British, Canadian, Nor­ wegian, Swedish, Japanese, Italian, German, French, Greek, Mexican, and Panama vessels' have been visited this last year. The British boats have car­ ried Chinese and Hindu crews, as well as their own Anglo-Saxon men. Our readers can well appreciate the priv­ ilege we have had in reaching all classes of people. We are thankful for all who have assisted by gifts of literature, and money to purchase literature, by prayers, by letters, and by personal assistance. When at times we have halted or felt discouraged we were more than comforted by thoughts of you who are supporting^ us in one way or another. “ For God is not unright­ eous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister” (Heb. 6: 10 ) . Quite recently one of the vessels, a large Japanese passenger boat, had to be fumigated, and the passengers and crew were quarantined in one of the huge sheds on the docks. Customs guards and officials informed us a few days before and we were able to secure the Japanese pastor from East San Pedro, his wife, and their missionary helper to assist in holding a meeting. Driving our machine clear into the shed we set up our folding organ and passed out Japanese and English hymn books to the crowd that gathered. After singing a number of songs the Japanese pastor proclaimed the mes­ sage to an attentive audience. After an hour or more several made deci­ sions for the Lord Jesus Christ. One woman in particular testified that this was the first time she had ever heard of the Lord Jesus, and that she would gladly accept Him. We distributed to the rest of the audience hundreds of Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, and a few Russian tracts and Gospels. Needless to say, we were all happy after such a service. Some times we are not able to get •helpers who speak the native language of whatever vessel we are visiting, and are compelled to visit the ship alone, looking for someone to act as an inter­ preter for us. Many of the officers on the foreign vessels speak English, but not always the crew. On a German boat a few days ago we were welcomed by a lad who could not speak a word of English. However, he showed us a beautifully bound New Testament and Psalms, so we sat down beside him with a colored pencil in hand, and marked verse after verse on salvation, assurance, rewards, and passages of comfort for times of trial and tempta­ tion. Truly we were quite thankful that on this occasion there was no one to interpret, for thus the Holy Spirit could use the Word itself and cheer the dear lad along the way. We know you will continue to pray for us. “ The effectual, fervent prayer of the right­ eous avalleth much.”

Y OUR children will never escape from the good influence of these stories. Put the book in their hands or read the stories to them. Forever afterward their lives will be better and^happier. These are stories that have re­ deemed the world and inspired all that is best in H o m e and F a m i l y Ufa.


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B I B L E S T O R Y B Direct, simple end dramatic stories of intense interest, rich material, historic background, and Divine meaning. Divided into periods of Bible history and arranged chronologically so that young or old can get a better understand­ ing of the Bible than ever before. . ___ ' . SEND COUPON FOR FREE EXAMINATION. You can possess this beautiful work without risking one cent IS of the illustrations are full-page color plates suitable for framing. Thousands of these books have been sold and th. demand Is increasing. COUPON TODAY The Bible Story Book can be had from most deal­ ers—do not accept substitute.

MAIL NEAREST OFFICE, DEFT. IS I Gentlemen : Please send me. without expense or obligation for free examination the New Cloth Bound Edition of the Bible Story Book. At the end of 5 I days, I will return the book or send you $2.00 in full payment. I D Check here if Kraft Deluxe edition, price $3.50, Is desired, instead of Cloth Edition. Name....... .................

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H o w R e a d e s t T h o u ? The Red Letter Bible N o. 2182— Thin Bible paper. Genuine * Lea­ ther, Levant Grain, divinity bcircuit, red under gold edges, title stamped on back in pure gold.. $ 5.00 The question asked by the Mas­ ter of the lawyer (Luke 10-26) m ight well be used as a search­ light for our ow n study o f Scrip­ ture. If your ow n reading id thoughtless, superficial or mere­ ly habitual, you pannot progress in your know ledge o r under­ standing. If, therefore, you are in search o f the whole o f the truth— the exact words— the’ un­ derlying meaning— the precise teaching that goes to the root of the matter— as revealed in the authoritative scriptural transla­ tions, you will turn to the NdsontS^assBibk (Edited fey American RtvialM Cammlttea) — the one supremely accurate version o f the Scriptures and you will stu dy it— understand it as never before. Tha American Btaodard Bible text has bean adopted by ail leading College*. Theological Seminaries, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., and Bible Schools throughout the United States, and is usod by over 13.000.000 scholars from which to study the International, graded or other Bible lessons. A Nelson Bible la a guarantee of the best character of printing, binding, paper, as wall as of the lataat and beat translation. Two hundred atyloa of binding and ten sizes of type. Hfsliaw Biblae ms ail isms , typt» and tty le» of binding ara ob­ tainable wherever Bible» are »aid.

F R E E B O O K L E T A charming 16-peg* booklet entitled "The Wonderful Story," published at lie par copy, telling how the Bible earns down through the egos, and con­ taining many facta of vital interest, will be sent FREE on request to any- goo mentioning U m King's Business.

Thomas Nelson A Sons« 385 -D 4 th Arc., Now York City Authorized Publishers for the American Revision Committee Dear Sirs: Please send me FREE copy of your book entitled "Tha Wonderful Story." This does not obligate me in any way. Name.............................. .......... ............................................... ................

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