King's Business - 1926-01

Janu&ry 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


IS THE ANTICHRIST AT HAND? (Continued from page 16)

YOU NEED BIOLA BOOKS : Books toBring Power H ow Much Power Have Y ou ? The Greatest Force on Earth T h e Pow er o f Intensified Prayer By Thomas Payne, D . D. * Dr. Payne leads us with radiant guidance all the way through the O ld and New Testaments in revealing the place and pow er o f prayer in the lives and w ork s o f C od ’s greatest servants. T h e author evinces a spiritual grasp, an .enthusiasm and strength o f assurance that sets the great subject in a new lish|. and most c o n ­ vincingly opens up its infinite possibilities. From the Foreword by Rev. H. Tydeman Chilvers: “ A real and authorititive directory in the divine and spiritual art o f praying; insisting on the true and only basis o f prayer, the name and meritorious w ork o f Jesus Christ.” ; ■ . “ Some o f the most pow erful illustrations on the prayer life I have ever read ."— From the Introduction b y Rev. Seth Joshua. C loth $1 .35 The Full Blessing of Pentecost The One Thine Needful By Andrew Murray The Ten Greatest Chapters in the Bible By R .v. J. C. M u m . D. D. P astor of Trem ont Temple, B oston

Catholic Church is ten times more powerful today politically than she was in 1914. Today there are twenty-four nations that appoint ambassadors to the Vatican, as though Roman­ ism were a nation. As we speak, Japan is about to so recognize the Papal power. The United States has not yet done it. The Pope resumes his hold upon the nations! The “woman” is about to mount the “beast” ! How About Armageddon?, Another setting for the stage:— We are told that the “kings of the east” must come up to the battle field of Armageddon. The king of the east— Afghanistan, India. China, Japan— kings from the Sun-Rising! Those nations, for centuries upon centuries, lay dormant, asleep. Napoleon Bonaparte, looking upon China, said, “There lies a lion asleep! Let him sleep!” The “ lion” is up on all four feet now, tail high in air and “the Kings of the East” are on the march! Again, Jesus said, “Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; when they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand. So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, kijow ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand” (Luke 21:29-31). Every Bible student knows that the “ fig tree” refers to the Israel- itish people. Listen! When the “ fig tree” begins to put forth itp leaves, then know thkt the last events are at hand! Within the last ten years we have seen Jerusalem wrested from the power of the Turk, and England, having control, declares that Palestine shall be the homeland of the Jew, and the United States is backilig England in that determination. More than that, the Jews are literally pour-« ing millions and millions of dollars into the development of their Homeland. The League of Nations Again, in Revelation, Chapter 17, we read: “And the ten horns which thou sawpst are ten kings****‘ These Have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the beast***** and the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore and shall make her deso­ late and naked, and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire.” In these words we have the necessity of a league of nations in which a combination of ten political powers, having one mind, will give their united strength unto the Antichrist, and behold, the League of Nations comes on the stage! The organization, of which Antichrist will become the head, exists! Verily, the stage is set! The world awaits its Prince from beneath. (C on clu d ed in F eb ru a ry I s s u e ). The Rev. Herries S. Gregory, M. A., speaking at the recent Bible League anniversary, in referring to the controversy regarding the date when the Boole of Daniel was written, said that some time ago he was standing on the curb of one of the streets of Brighton, when a fellow-minister crossed over, and told him that he was unable to Join with him in his meetings “ so long as you have Mr. So-and-so upon the platform. Men like you,” he said, "believe that Daniel wrote Daniel." “Well,” I said, ” lf he didn't, who did?” “Oh,” he said, "somebody else by the name of Daniel.” M IT WAS DANIEL, AFTER ALL!

"It discusses ‘ How It is to Be Taught.* ‘How Glorious It Is and H ow It Is to Be Bes­ towed from Heaven.’ And then takes up ‘ How Little It Is En­ joyed,* ‘How the Blessing is Hindered,' How It May Be In­ creased,’ ‘How It Comes to Its Full Manifestation,' 'H ow Fully It Is A ssured to Us by God, ‘ How It Is to Be Found by A ll,: a n d ‘ How Everything Must Be Given Up for it.’ "It is a book out o f an ex­ perience and out o f a lifetime study in the things o f God by one o f the Master’s m ost em i­ nent sons. None m ore than he has fostered the spiritual life of our tim es."— Central Chris­ tian A dvocate. Cloth $1.00

The man who is said to preach to the largest con gre­ gation in America is perhaps as well qualified as anyone to say which are the ten mo*t vital chapters in the Bible. A t ,any rate Dr. Massee has succeeded in making a selec­ tion that will arouse the liveli­ est interest and win the assent of Evangelical believers every­ where. The ten chapters and subject treated are: Begin­ nings; The H oly L ew and the H oly G od; The A tonem ent; The Sufferer; The P rodigal; The C om forter; P entecost; The Cloud o f W itnesses; The R es­ urrection; The New Heaven and the New Earth. Cloth $1.50

The A ct» o f the H oly Spirit A n examination o f tb e A ctive MU .ion and MinUtry o f the Spirit of God, T h e D ivine Paraclete, a« »et forth in

Th e Acta o f The Apostles By A rthur T . Pierson, D . D .

“ Deals with the Acta o f the Apostles, largely as a revelation o f the H oly Spirit in His relations to believers as Christ’ s witnesses, and to Chu rch as the witnessing bod y. From this point o f view it traces throughout the B ocw o f A cts the active ministry o f the H oly Spirit, bringing out in a remarkable manner the direct over­ ruling, leading, calling, sending, counsel, restraint,^ re­ ception, and rejection o f the Divine Spirit o f God, in * chu rch and in individuals w holly surrendered to Him. It is a b ook to be pondered and prayed over in private; a b o o k which every pastor, teacher, ^church officer, and w orker should con with candid ca re ." C loth $1 -00 The Simple Things o f the Chris By G. Campbell Morgan« D . D. **In the front line o f tbe great book s the Christ apd dignify tbe human will, five vital themes are discussed: ‘The New Birth, Holiness, Growth, ‘Work,* and T em p ta tio n / Simple in style, direct and clear; substantial teaching o f the Bible presented with new force/*— United Presbyterian. A very wonderful, forcefu l little b ook . O rd er a co p y at on ce. 7 5 cents If money does not accompany order, goods will bo sent C. O. D. If books aro to com# by mail add 10% for postago.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cel.

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