King's Business - 1926-01


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January 1926

THE HARVEST TRULY IS PLENTEOUS III various parts o f tha w orld a Nattva Trained Christian may bs su p p orted in tha w ork of C od for an entire year for from $15. to $600. Literature free. PAUL H. TABER« Sec.» Box K, 2007 Foster A ve., Brooklyn, N. Y. DIETZ INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE

good, yea, better than gold, for it is a golden future. It is not earned, but God-given. No law or lawyers can ever deprive us of It. Hallelujah! Need o f prayer. Deeper than the need of men, deeper than the need of money, aye, deeper down within this Spiritless life of ours, is the need of world-wide, prevailing prayer.— Rob­ ert E. Speer. Holy and Lowly. Holiness Is not an attitude. It Is an attainment and Is manifest in meekness of mind. He dwells in a high and holy plaoe with those of a meek and lowly mind, with those who surrender themselves wholly to the will of God as revealed In the Word of God. From Prison to Paradise. The Prin­ cess Elizabeth, daughter of Charles I., languished In Carlsbrook Castle dur­ ing the unhappy wars, a prisoner. She was found dead one day with her head leaning on her Bible, which was open at the words, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Nothing bat Noise. A man made an electric apparatus for lighting his house. For a few days it worked, but soon the light flickered and failed. He called In a friend to examine It, and was told that the apparatus could be used for a door bell but not for light­ ing, as It would make current enough for a noise but not for a light. Some pulpits have the noise apparatus all right, but what the people need is a bit of Bible light. m ANOTHER YEAR Not with forebodings sad, But with faith and good cheer, We welcome to our hearts Another year. God’s love and promises Forbid all childish fear; They will accompany Another year.^ ^ . In the twelve months we see • New doors for service here; We dedicate to God, Another year. He o f the Pierced Feet May once more tread our sphere; And sin no longer reign Another year. But should He come or no, At least one thing is clear, His message we will bear Another year. Then presently the Hand, Once nailed, will wipe each tear, Nor sorrow stain the cheek Another year. — W il l ia m O lney .


In the Gossip Garden lips are prone t o .lie, and lying lips are not lightly judged by God. When Sunday Gomes the choice lies between "automobllizlng” with the crowd, or ‘‘mobilizing’' with the Christians. If Your Soul is singing the praise of the Son of God, the rays of the Sun of Righteousness will be reflected in your face. Law and Grace are united in an un­ breakable bond. Whoever seeks to sever them will suffer at the hand of the gracious Law-giver. Egregious Egotism is often manifest in men and women. The " I ” is so large in its conceit that *t falls to sense the amused smiles of sensible people. The Cross o f Christ is the God-given entrance to the highway which leads straight through the gate of glory into H I b presence. It May Seem Degrading to some ministers to give a message on the street corner, but in Heaven such an one is graded with His Master, who was a street preacher. Worth While or Worthless Words. ‘ ‘Words fitly spoken are like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” But mean­ ingless words are a menace and a snare of Satan. Destiny and Determination. Destiny is determined by decision. ‘ ‘Whoso­ ever will let him come.” The will de­ termines whether the destiny shall be life eternal or the eternal wilderness: The Incorruptible Inheritance, Is an estate, though not real estate. It is as Chapped Face! and other irritations n ot necessary if you gentlemen w ould use T R I S O M E R O L after your shave Prepared by a D ermatologist $ 1 .0 0 P e r J a r, P o s tp a id Send ten cents fo r sample THE BREWSTER LABORATORIES 2S1 Main S t , Huntington, L ong Island, NEW YORK MAKS YOUR SPARK TIMS PAYI ■ n r i i v s V * need Intelligent men A w E l s l B a n d women. W ork all or W A N T E D part time. Sell B I b 1e e— H A H I B w 0 0 . — Calendars— Maks b ig money. N o experience necessary. L ib­ eral discounts. . National Educational Society 433 S. Dearborn S t, Chicago, 111.

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