King's Business - 1926-01



T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January 1926

up as these two strangers were greeting Mr. Freeman until they heard his surprised exclamation. Mr. Freeman called them, and before William and Ran­ dall could realize It, Rose Emmett, a sister of Randall’s, and Howell Foster, with Amy his wife, stood before them. To say that the two friends were surprised was to express It mildly, and their tongues flew swiftly in questions and answers as they went on their way back to the Freeman home. Rose had offered herself as a missionary to Peru months before but had kept it a surprise from her brother. William had met Rose several times during his college year but did not know her well. As Randall’s sister, he had a warm regard for her. Howell Foster was one of the young men who had been led to give his life to mission work through William’s influence in the church at home. Neither William nor Randall had met Amy, Howell Foster’s wife, but it seemed to her as if they were old friends, for she had heard so much about them both from her companions. The friends talked long into the night. Randall and Rose of course had many questions to ask and answer about home folks. From Howell Foster, William learned about his old club boys and the church people he had known and loved, but not one word of Louise did he hear for Howell had not known her and Rose had only heard of her through Randall and knew nothing of her life. However, William had not the courage to ask about ber even of these friends. But in spite of all he could do he would think of Louise again and again. Busy days followed for them all. The two ladies studied Spanish and helped in the school work. Mr. Freeman gave his time to the school, and preaching in the chapel. William and Randall did a great deal of colportage work, both in the city and in the surrounding country. Of course they had to suffer hindrances and persecutions, for always the true Gos­ pel meets with Satan’s fiercest opposition, whether it be in Africa, India, or Peru. Randall and Mr. Freeman both wrote numerous tracts and translated them into Spanish, thus scattering the news of the Gospel, “ which is the power of God unto salvation.” Also a small magazine was Issued monthly, which was Christian in its teaching, and the workers sought to dis­ tribute it widely. In South America perhaps more than in any other mission field the printed word has a ready accept­ ance. Usually, even in the inland villages, there is some one who reads and tells to the others what he reads. l( is of great Importance therefore, to get good Scripture tracts, portions of the Bible, and Christian literature, translated into Spanish and scattered broadcast. It has been demon­ strated again and again that apart from any personal influ­ ence a tract or a portion of Scripture has been used of God A RESOLUTE RESOLVE! I hereby Resolve: That during 1926, comm en cing with today, 1 will earnestly endeavor to introduce The K ing’s Business to the widest possible circle o f readers, and thus bring its inspiring messages o f vital faith in the W ord o f God to those who need its uplifting appeal. Name.................. — ................................................................................. Street.................................................... -——-----— ....................... C ity ................__ ......... . ...........................S tate........................... (Cut out this coupon, send if to The King's Business, 536-558 So. Hops St., Los Angeles, Calif., and we will tell you how you can serve in this great enterprise.)

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