King's Business - 1926-01


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January 1926


ran A PLE A FO R P R A Y E R

and creating destruction

bombs weighing 4300 lbs., over the radius of a mile.

The Great Commission Prayer League has voiced a plea for prayer that should startle the Christian church and serve as a call to them to bend the knee and bow the heart in His presence Church. who is the Head of the

“ Guns with a range of 150 miles, and tanks which, concealed in their own smoke, can outdistance the fleet­ est hound." “ ALL THESE THINGS ARE HERE NOW!” “ If destructive science is to remain dominant” declares the Manchester Guardian, “ there is no salva­ tion in store for the world. * * * Without any doubt whatever, the powers of destruction are gaining fast onTim powers of creation and construction." “ There is nothing," says Thomas A. Edison, “ to

prophetic: “ Is the Anti- That the plea is timely is

The title of this plea is Christ Soon to Appear!"

manifest, for since it was issued there have been many marked signs o f the coming day of world unrest and

prevent twenty to fifty aero­ planes flying tomorrow over London’s millions with a gas which can suffocate those mil­ lions in three hours." We cannot quote all of this appeal, but we are in hearty accord with it and with its call to prayer as the only hope for stemming the tide. Is there a false conception concerning the mission of the church today! Is there a ten­ dency to worldliness of life and conformity to the world’s ideals! Has the prayer life lost its appeal! What propor­ tion of the time of the church is given to prayer!1

the woes that are to follow. In it is quoted a statement made by Dr. James M. Gray, of the Moody Bible Institute, ■ a preface to the b o o k m “ Christianity and Anti-Chris­ tianity" by Bishop Samuel J. Andrews—a foreview of the actual reign of the Antichrist on this earth as the head of nations. A quotation is also given f r o m President Coolidge’s Memorial Day address in which he said: “ What Amer­ ica needs is to hold to its a n c i e n t and well-charted course. * * • If we cannot gov­ ern ourselves, if we cannot observe the law, n o t h i n g remains but to have someone else govern us, to have the law enforced against us and to step down from the honorable abiding place of freedom to the ignominious abode of servitude."


Come, let us anew our journey pursue, Roll round with the year, And never stand still till.the Master appear. His adorable will let us gladly fulfil, And our talents improve, « By the patience of hope, and the labor of love. Our life is a dream; our time, as a stream, Glides swiftly away, And the fugitive moment refuses to stay. The arrow is flown,—the moment is gone; The millennial year Rushes on to our view, and eternity’s here. Oh, that each in the day of His coming may say, “ I have fought my way through: I have finished the work Thou didst give me to dpi” Oh, that each from his Lord may receive the glad word, “Well and faithfully done I Enter into my joy, and sit down on my throne I” Written 1749 Charles Wesley

There is a prayer by the pastor at the church service, but the r e g u l a r “ Prayer Meeting" is often falsely so- called, for there is not much praying. With many Chris- ______________________tians the prayer life is an unknown quantity. What with the many conventions, conferences, societies, suppers, plans and programs, and the rush and hurry of the daily life, there is no time to pray and sometimes no heart for prayer. When we have some personal need, we pray. When we are confronted with some grave problem, we know that we must “ lay hold of the horns of the altar.” We pray for our own loved ones, but the poor, hungry, helpless, hell-bound world has but a small place in our hearts. Is not this appeal from the Great Commission Prayer League (which is really an appeal from one great heart who has carried this heart burden for many years) a timely call to all of us! Was it not born in the heart of Christ Himself and sent through the Holy Spirit to be broadcast to God’s people! . As the clouds hang heavy over this sin-stricken world, and the signs of coming doom are imminent, will —* --------“ Defender of the Faith" unite with us in not every this resolve: “ Nineteen Twenty-Six -if the Lord tarry—shall be

, ■ The third quotation is from Benito Mussolini, Dic­ tator o f Italy, as follows: “ I maintain there can be no such thing as liberty. Liberty exists only in the imagi­ nation of philosophers who seek their unpractical phil­ osophy from the sky. My philosophy is drawn from very near the earth, for those of the earth. Civilization is the inversion of personal liberty. Mass cannot govern mass; quantity cannot govern quantity." Referring to Julius Caesar, Mussolini declared: “ He is my ideal, my master. He is the greatest man that ever lived.” The letter goes on to say: “ A well known English writer has yet more recently declared that if God does not miraculously intervene, the human race must ere long plunge into an era of disaster unparalleled in human history. Whyt Because science, once devoted predominantly to the preservation of life, is now devoted predominantly to its annihilation. For exam- ple,— “ Machine guns spitting forth a fan-shaped tail of 6,000 bullets a minute. *'Aeroplanes at a height of several miles, dropping

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