King's Business - 1926-01

Janaary 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


= = = = = YOU NEED BIOLA BOOKS------- -------------- Build Y ou r Sabbath S choo l These books should be in the church library t One Hundred Projects for the Church School By Milton Carsley Towner, M.A., Ph. D. A fresh and very original contribution to the w ork o f project-m ethod teaching. Dr. Towner, a pioneer in this field, here provides a very necessary handbook fo r the teacher w ho recognizes the vital importance o f this com ­ paratively new method, and w ho is looking fo r the best helps o f which there are none too many. “ A masterly bringing together o f problem material for this newer and better w ay o f teaching.” — Prof. Edwin D. Starbuck, University o f Iowa. Price, $ 1 .6 0 Dr. Banks retells the New Testament accounts o f some outstanding instances o f conversions which occu rred du r­ ing the earthly life and ministry of our Lord, and the days immediately follow ing Pentecost. "Tam ing the Man o f Gadera; * n© W o man W h o F orgot H er W a t e r p o t ’ T h e Sinner W h o came to Jesus Th rough the Roof;” “ M ercy arpd Healing at the Beautiful Gate;” “ Th e Conversion o f the Chief o f Sinners — These are some of the chapter-titles o f a b ook replete with evidences o f Christ’ s wonderful pow er to forgive sins and restore men's souls. A line, stirring b o o k o f a great theme. Cloth $1.28 Talks to Children— Eaton— ..........................— 1. 00 1W on d er W h y Stories— Geo A dam s.......--------- .......... 1.25 Th ree Years with Children— Am os R. W ells............ 1.25 The Bible Class and the Community— John A . Cross 1.25 T h e M en’s Class in A ction— F. Harvey Morse---------- 1.50 O ne Thousand Bible Readings— F. E. M arsh............ 2.50 The Sunday School Between Sundays— Knapp.......:.. 1.25 The Successful Sunday S ch ool at W ork— LeavelL...... 2.00 Children's Nature Story-Sermons— Hugh T . K err.... 1.25 Fifty-two Story Talks to Boys and Girls— Rev. H oward Chidley........................------1.25 Morning Faces— G. M. Hunter............................... ........ 1.25 A verage Boys and Girls— A . H. M cK inney................ 1.00 Children's O b ject Story-Sermons— B a r n e s . 1.25 Th e Children’s Year— Boure— --------------.....---------—... 1.25 O ld Testament Stories— Cragin................................ 1.75 Make Y our Church a Gift W onderfu l Bible Conversions Louis Albert Banks Keep These in Circulation Am ong Y our W orkers— •t

OUR BIBLE INSTITUTE IN CHINA (Continued from page 26)

and ere long accepted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour and became an enquirer and, In course of time; a member of the Presbyterian Church In his neighborhood. This Incident came to light when one of the summer bands of Hunan Bible Institute students was at work in his district this year. • How strangely it is demonstrated again and again In all parts of the world that “ The wind bloweth where It will. . . so is every one that la born of the Spirit.” “ My Word Shall Not Return Void” Of course In the case of this little book alone there are a multitude of instances that never come to light, as well as many that have done so in the course of the years. There are also many copies that are wasted, or seem to be. At Nanyoh we have frequently seen copies of this splendid little testimony torn and lying at the side of the road, evidently destroyed by pilgrims who accepted copies before they real­ ised that they were Christian books. This summer the writer even saw boys using the paper from some of these books as wind wheels;‘ yet who is to say that some of these stray sheets may not carry conviction to some heart? The strength of this little book lies in the fact that it is Just a bringing together of carefully selected passages from the Word. A note on the English title page of “ True Happi­ ness at Hand” describes it as “ The way of salvation briefly stated in the words of Scripture, with an introduction and notes by Mr. M. K. Hsiao.“ Mr. Hsiao’s name will be famil­ iar to all regular readers of “ The King’s Business” as that of the Dean of the Hunan Bible Institute. The introduction argues that all over the world men are seeking for happiness and are striving to avoid woe. Some worship false gods, others struggle for riches, but very few And the-happiness they seek. It is scarcely necessary to tell you that the first text used is John 3:16, followed, after a few words of explanation, by 1 Timothy 2:16, 16. Then follows a very necessary explanation of the Christian idea of God. He is neither “ Heaven," nor “ Earth,” nor a former emperor, but the Creator of heaven and earth and all things, than whom there is no other true God. Jesus Christ is sim­ ply described ?s His Son and the Saviour of all who believe. We would like td count on our friends to Join us in prayer for this little book, as well as for the other publica­ tions of the Institute. There are now one hundred and sixty-nine evangelists in the thirteen Biola Evangelistic Bands who are using this booklet daily. Besides this there is a small band of women graduates of the Institute at work in the city of Changsha, and over one hundred and twenty students, at least half of whom are out each week day for two hours, and they all use this book. Oh, that God may use it even far more in the future than in the past for a har­ vest, some thirty, some sixty, and some one hundredfold! AIA AIL S ti sin HIS COMING Will this year bring the coming of the Lord? I cannot say, But I will live and and have my being In Him from day to day. I shall walk softly through the shadows listening For His dear Voice Which tells me “ Surely I am coming— coming quickly," And therefore I. rejoice.

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.


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