King's Business - 1926-01


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January 1926

THE SAVIOUR’ S HUMILITY ’ ’Christ Jesus . . . emptied himself.” “ He humbled himself . . . even unto death.” How utterly the Crucified lost sight of self! He emptied Himself of all that heaven held to come to earth, and then emptied Himself of all the earth had left Him, for the sake of Love’s divine mission. Who was ever so poor as He! He had nothing but a stable to be born In, nothing but a man­ ger to be laid In. He had not so much as a place where to rest His head; even His cross was not His own, and His grave belonged to another. It Is pathetically written that, to the traitor He left His purse; to the soldiers, His robe; to the beloved disciple, His mother; to the dying thief, His promise of paradise; to the penitent Peter, His pardon; to His Father His last breath and departing spirit, and to His followers, His peace. Naked He came Into the world; while here He got nothing, though He gave everything; and naked He went the way to the tomb. Do you wish to follow Him? Count the cost; for along that way self must be left behind, to walk with Him.— Dr. A. T. Pierson. m m J. WILBUR CHAPMAN’S CREED Speaking of Fundamentals, here are some real ones, found In the late J. Wilbur Chapman’s creed: I believe in God, Infinite, eternal, unchangeable-. I believe the Bible to be the Word of God. I believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe In His virgin birth. I believe in salvation by divine sacrifice. I believe in His physical resurrection from the dead. I believe in the universality and heinousness of sin and in salvation by grace. - I believe In the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit. I believe in the great commission which our Lord has given to His church. i , ' \ . I believe that some day, I know not when, our Lord is coming back again to establish His world-wide kingdom on the earth. I believe in a heaven of eternal bliss and In conscious and eternal punishment hereafter.— The Methodist. M Jkr AN INVINCIBLE VICTOR When the Roman emperor threatened St. Chrysostom with banishment if he continued a Christian, be said, “ You cannot banish me, for the world is my Father’s house, and you cannot banish me from that.” “ I will slay you,” said the emperor. “ That you cannot do, for my life la hid with Christ in God.” “ I will take away your treasures.” “ That is impossible, for my treasure is in heaven.” “ I will drive you away from men, and you shall have no friend left.” “ Nay,*you cannot, for I have a„Friend- from whom you can­ not separate me.” ¿He* m m DAILY STRENGTH "A * thy day«, «o shall thy strength b e" (Deut. 33:13). No word of God, where’er I look Within the pages of His Book, Can surer comfort bring to me Than “ As thy days, thy strength shall be.” There is no need for me to ask For strength sufficient for my task, When t this precious promise see That “ As thy days, thy strength shall be.’ ’ From hour to hour, from day to day, I’ll go rejoicing on my way, From every doubt and care set free Since “ As my days, my strength shall be.” V Lord, shed within my heart this light To make my pathway always bright, Help me to put my trust in Thee, Then “ As my days, my strength shall be.” — (Rev. R. F. Pechey.) Holy Trinity Vicarage, Bournemouth, England. Copies from the Author, 1/4 per do*., on neat card, poet free.

YOU NEED BIOLA BOOKS1 ServeHimWithJoy These Books make you conscious o f His sufficient Grace and w ill cheer you . Things That Matter Most By John Henry Jowett, D. D. “ Dr. Jowett preaches always about the things that matter most, the deep, vital, spiritual realities. Men go to hear him, not becau se he is in the fashion, but because he is a prophet o f God. These are characteristic sermons. T h ey have blessed thousands, let us h op e they will bless thousands m ore as they go forth in this attractive volum e.” C loth (1 .8 0

The Power of Prayer And the Prayer of Power By R . A . Torrey, D . D. With characteristic force­ fulness and reliance on Holy Scripture for proof and sup­ port, Dr. Torrey reviews the whole question of prevailing! prayer. Among the aspects of the theme treated of in this, volume are: The Power ofj prayer: the definite results that definite and determined prayer will produce; what prayer will do for the church and the nations; the proper method of praying to be pur­ sued if an answer from God is to be secured; praying in the name of the Lord. Jesus; hin­ drances to prayer, and the need of persistent prayer in bringing about a Goa-sent re­ v iv a lo f religion. Cloth $1 .T8

Living Without Worry By J. R. Miller, D. D. Author of "Intimate Letters on Personal Problems,’* "Paul's Message for Today,** etc. What an attractive title and how the idea invites our at­ tention! Is it really possible far people who are driven and under heavy pressure to be free frofri Worty? A positive answer is given in this book. The author in­ sists that, unless we are actu­ ally worry-free, we cannot do our best work. And Dr. Miller wrote from experience. He was a very hard-worked man and yet he always wore the white flower of peace in the midst of utmost toil. These chapters are tender, winsome and copsoling and will quicken many to do their best because they enjoy rest through faith in God’s Christ. Cloth $1.28

Kept f o r the Master’ s Use

By Frances Ridley Havergal A greatly valued re-issue o f the famous devotional essay by the gifted writer which is based upon her well- known hym n :

‘ T a k e my life and let it be Consecrated, L ord to Thee.

Many a heart h a , echoed this little song and many will find new inspiration and fresh beauty in the author s own interpretation o f her meaningful verses. C loth 75 cents

The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life By Hannah Whitall Smith 'A whole (an.ration has its power and baan stimulated by Its wholssoma faith.” “ It unfolds t h e wonderful joys of C h r i s t i a n Faith. Comforting. Cheer­ ing. It is now re­ garded as a Chris­ tian C l a s s i c by many. The author has the happy fac­ ulty of finding the heart of the truth and interpreting it in a clear, pungent way that makes one see I t s practical bearing upon life's difficulty." Cloth $1.00

Living in the Sunshine By Hanna Whitall Smith "Another of this author's helpful' de­ votional books of that joy and love that should fill every Christian's h e a r t . The writer is gifted in unfolding Scrip­ ture, and in apply­ ing i t s precious truths. Her great purpose here is to help Christians to a realization of the joy of living a Christian life. Dis­ couragements should have no place in the heart of a true Christian. We com­ mend this book most warmly." Cloth $1-28

The Song at Sunrise By William Russell Owen "Those addresses represent an attempt to interpret t h e spirit and indicate something of t h e faith and fervour of the f o l k of the Southland » # . and reflect the d e e p- seated reverence o! i people of poetry ana power, of child­ like faith and tre­ mendous conviction, who constitute one of the most pro­ f o u n d l y religious constituencies to be found in all Chris­ tendom." Cloth $1.25

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¿¡¡nToifc’ fJ ? £ T ta £ . ^ B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cel.________

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