King's Business - 1926-01

January 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


:YOU NEED BIOLA BOOKS: Bible Story Books

THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS (Continued from page 18)

determined to know nothing among you, save Jesus Christ and Him crucified,” he was stating the fundamental fact of his Christian ministry. When he said, ‘ ‘I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God untò salvation, to every one who believeth,” he was express­ ing the deep conviction of his heart, which everywhere permeated his preaching, that the Gospel was the proclama­ tion of the message of the cross of Christ. So strongly did this conviction rest upon him, that he exclaimed, “ Yea, woe is me if I preach not the gospel.” And still further he says, "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” There are two things that must never be separated when presenting the Gospel of the Grace of God: they are the death of Christ, and the cross of Christ. I say it with all reverence, the death of Christ apart from the cross, would not have accomplished the redemption of the world. The preaching of the cross gives the death-blow to human nature and leaves the moral distance between God and man as far apart as the Throne of God and the Gates of hell. There is absolutely nothing man can do to shorten that dis­ tance. There he stands, with the gates of hell wide open to receive him. Escape is impossible unless God should interfere in his behalf. ■ But, "thanks be to God for His great love wherewith He has loved us, even when we were dead in sin,” He provided a way of escape. He put Christ on the cross, and let Him die the death of the lowest sinner that He might bridge the chasm .between lost, sinful men and -the Throne of His Grace. Jesps said, “ I am the way . . . . no man cometh to the Father, except by me.” There is no other way to God, except the blood-bought way of the cross of Christ. The self-righteous man might glory in the death of Christ as a shining example of self-sacrifice for the good of others, if that' death could be separated from the cross; but the moment the cross is mentioned, it becomes a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence to him. There is no remission of sin, except by the shedding of blood. Jesus poured out His blood on the cross, that sin might be forever cleansed. •For an unsaved person to ask God to have mercy on him, and pardon his sins, would be per8uming that God might save him in some other way than the way He has provided. Why should' an unsaved person ask God to pardon his sins, when God has already laid his sins on Christ and He has borne them away? If God could save a person in any other way than the way of the cross, then Christ need not have died, and the offence of the cross would cease to exist. But God provided the best way; yea, the only way possible, when He laid our sins on Christ on the cross, and let Him bear them away. Then He comes to us in gracious invitation, asking lis to believe on Jesus, and accept what He has* done for us (John 1:12). God’s marvelous promise to each one of us is: "Whosoever believeth on Him (Jesus) shall not perish, but have ever­ lasting life" (John 3:16). The person who believes on Jesus, and trusts Him enough to commit himself to His keeping, has saving faith.' To such a person the Holy Spirit comes with His regenerating power, he is born anew, and becomes a son of God (Romans 8:14). On Calvary, that day, three crosses were erected: Christ in the midst, and on either side a thief was crucified. What did that mean in God’s plan of redemption? It meant more than just that the Scriptures might be fulfilled. That of itself would have been sufficient. But God had in view a great object lesson for all mankind when those three crosses were erected on Calvary’s hill. On the center cross our

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