King's Business - 1926-01

January 1926 j

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



FIRST THINGS FIRST (Continued from page 10)

Be Sure to

Read These

we all know bow magnificently be exemplified this loyalty, even after the greatest success had crowned his efforts. Down almost to the very day of his death,, he was active in all forms of Christian service. Though he was the creator and leader of one of the largest mercantile establishments on earth, nevertheless he did not sit at ease in Zion, but continued to the very end to put the interests of the King­ dom of God in first place in his life. It is literally true that he devoted more time and thought and effort to the interests of God’s kingdom than he did to his own business. He was always helping somewhere and somehow. It is a well- known fact that he not only taught that great Bible Class in his own church, but that every Lord’s Day he was speak­ ing here and yonder, bearing his testimony for the Master, and often on week nights as well. Not only did he do these things, but he even put much time on individual visiting, often among the lowly and the poor, seeking souls for Christ, or ministering to the needs of his fellow men. What a life! and what an answer to all skeptical argu­ ments and to the excuses of those who are indifferent.and lazy in the service of their God! What a demonstration, too, all this is of the folly and sin of the adversary, who leads those reaching temporal success to settle down to the enjoyment of self-indulgent luxuries. What we all need today is to hear this mighty command of the Master, for that is what it is: “ Seek ye first the king­ dom of God and His righteousness.” Will we then, dear friends, in this new year of grace, as citizens, as members of Christ’s body— the true church— put first things first, seek the fullness of the righteousness of God in our lives, and accept in Joy the privileges and prerogatives of His Kingdom? Jesus has made it amply clear that the Christian is to be a man apart. We are called here in the '¡Scripture of truth a "peculiar people.” We are in the world but not of the world. We are pilgrims and strangers upon^ the earth. Our citizenship is in heaven, and we are seeking an eternal city whose Builder and Maker is God. Oh, that today we may highly resolve, not merely to turn over a new- leaf of human striving and effort for reform, but to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, well knowing then that all other necessary “ things” will surely be added unto us! >• .

W e here list timely Novels and Andrew Murray’s New Book

Fine Gold

A Missionary Romance o f South A inorico By Josephine H ope Westerveil

Y ou will like this book . Discriminating individuals who appreciate acquiring the Missionary viewpoint o f governmental projects in South America,^ always en joy this story, with its photographic illustrations, ^ . . • It is a new story rapidly becom ing a best seller. Cloth $1 .25

Scarlet and Purple

Mark of the Beast By Sidney W atson Are you conver­ sant upon the su b­ ject o f the Mark of the Beast,— and that terrible period o f distress w h i c h is c o m i n g upon the e a r t h - immediately aftei* the, s e c o n d coming! o f Christ > Newspapers a n d magazines are show­ ing to the intelli­ gent student of the word, events of the times, but you will read with deep in­ terest this stirring novel and feel that no longer is this a puzzling matter. . . You will not want to put down the vol­ ume u n t i l you've read the last word. Order a copy to ­ day._____________ $1.25

In the Twink­ ling of an Eye B y Sidney W a ts o n ' T o read this thrill- in novel is to store in one's mind vital facts which can not be forgotten. The story has sev­ eral interesting char­ acters, am ong them a Jewish fam ily and the heroine daughter who loves a Gentile business m a n . It portrays the inci­ dents at the time of the Second Coming o f our L ord Jesus Christ, and makes very real the fact that It will be in the twinkling o f an eye. Read t h i s book and you'll find your­ self talking of it to all your friends. Cloth $1.25

By Sidney W atson The scarlet l i f e line will b e c o m e m o r e precious to you after reading this lovely novel re­ garding God’s good news for us— t h e news o f His Prince­ ly Son. The story relates t h e w o n d e r f u l changes which d e­ velop in the lives o f several o f the characters in this novel, a f t e r they have com e in co n ­ tact with the news o f G od's Princely Son. . . . Can you trace the scarlet line o f salvation?— Read this volum e and see how like true to life and yet how w on­ derful it is. Cloth $1.25

G od ’ s Best Secrets By Andrew Murray Y ou have read several o f this great man's marvelous book s— Each has lifted you closer to G od ; to you r Sav­ iour, and made you braver and more competent in life s struggles. ‘ • -k_ But the book you cannot afford to be without it Dr. Murray's volume in which the author discusses in his incomparable way, eight o f G od's Best Secrets.................... The Secret of Adoration, The Secret of the Abiding Pres­ ence, Th e Faith Life, Th e Secret o f Fellowship, Th e Secret of Inspiration, Th e Secret o f Intercession, and T h e Secret o f United Prayer. Written in the last days o f his lon g and useful life, this b ook brings his last w ord to the Christian Church. The b ook is made up of eight se c­ tions, each containing thirty-one short chapters. Each chapter has a Scripture heading so that it is particularly helpful when used for daily meditation._____ Cloth $ 2 .0 0 The Passing o f the W ord By Helen Henshaw A “ C ollege girl” story, in which Marion, the nature- lover, falls in love with Miss Holman, then in love with Christ— then “ Gene” enters into her life— he is not a Christian. Marion's mother thinks it foolish o f her to let this make any difference. Just what would you d o ) This b ook brings its readers a number of situations fo r serious consideration; yet it is so delightfully normal that y ou will enter into its pages with great eagerness. • ?3_ Cloth $ 1 .5 0 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O . D. If books are to com e by mall add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cel.

T . C. HORTON , Editor-in-Chief The K ing'« Business, 536-558 S. H ope St.. Loe Angeles, California. Dear Friend:

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