King's Business - 1926-01


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January 1926

1926 i f the Lord tarry — PASTORS S. S. SUPER­ INTENDENTS EVERY CHRIST­ IAN, young and old, Make it the Banner Year for Jesus Christ by Winning Souls. They are Starving. Feed them with the Bread of Life. TEACHERS SCHOLARS

The Soul-Winner’s Equipment GOD 'S PLAN MADE PLAIN IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN How Any One and Every One May Become a Soul-Winner i "But tl THIS GOSPEL WAS WRITTEN FOR A DEFINITE, SPECIFIC PURPOSE: " t these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of v»oa. and that believing ye might have life through His name. (John 2 0 :3 1.)

HOW TO DEFEND the FUNDAMENTALS our FAITH. Use this edition of the Gospel of John. Some of the doctrines given are: INSPIRATION OF COD’S WORD John 6:63; 8:26; 12:50 DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST Eternal Cod, John 1:12 Omnipotent, 5:25 Omniscient, 2:24,25 Omnipresent, 5:15 Creator, 1:3, One with the Father, 14:9 Cod manifeat, 1:18 Cod in human form, 1:14 God worshipped, 9:35, 36 ATONEMENT OF JESUS CHRIST John 1:29; 12:24; 6:31 RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST John 20:19, 20; 20:26-29 ASCENSION OF J E S U S CHRIST John 16:7; 14:12 SECOND COMING OF JESUS John 14:3; 21:22,23 Alao, the Doctrines of the Eternal L ife o f Believers, the Personality o f Satan, Eternal Punishment. of

(Portion of Sample Page, Vest Pocket Edition.) J OHN CHAPTER 1— THE DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST Vs. 1-18. The Incarnate Word I N the be The Word and God ginning was the Word, end the Word th God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was ia the beginning with God. The Word and World 8 All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. The Word and Mao 4 In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. The Word and Sin 6 And the light shineth in darkness; and the dark­ ness comprehended it not. A Man Sent from God, whose Name was John 8 1 There was a man sent from God, whose name •os John, i 7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness o f the Light, that all men through him might believe. 8 He was not that Light, but vat itnt to bear witness of that Light. _________ CHAPTER TITLES and DIVISIONS maka it easy to C°Th ee HELPS are designed to A S S I S WORKERS in their personal endeavor to WIN SOULS, by uaing thia Gospel with them; and also to make it poa- aible for any one into whose hands this Gospel falls to find God's plan of salvation s|^ed in the terms of the C°A?r NECESSARY INFORMATION for dealing with the UNSAVED is given, and the passages cited are all from the GOSPEL OF JOHN.

“After fifty years of definite, soul-saving service, I can testify that this Gospel of John is the God-ordained instrument for personal work . . . It is also recognized as the finest piece of literature in the English language . . . Thousands have been brought to Christ through it.”— T. C. Horton. 700,000 have been sold . . . Another 100,000 now on the press.

Read carefully every w ord in d ie above notice, and then «and for camplo cop y. Single copies S c; 100 copies, $ 4 .0 0 ; 1000 copies, $30.00 . B IO L A BOOK ROOM


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