“With your assistance were reached the 7 00,000 mark!” 0 *$•4* Where do you think we saw this statement? In a “Better Homes and Garden” magazine. And we saw, too, this from the editor: “You’ll perhaps be surprised, agreeably, when I tell you that o l d subscribers sent us 80,000 of the 150,000 n e w subscribers!” Now what do you think we said _when we read that? “Wouldn’t it be great if T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s family cared as much for the s o u l s of people as these good people care about their h o m e s and g a r d e n s ! ” This may be the last year for you to serve. What blessed re' suits might follow if every member of THE KING’S BUSINESS FAMILY would definitely resolve to do their utmost to double the circulation during 1926. Just read once more the index to the good things which appeared in your magazine for 1925 and ask yourself where you could get more for $1.25. Then show it to some friend who ought to have its help, and tell them that 1926 will be even better. W e are counting on you! THE KING’S BUSINESS 536 -558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California L ;; / A — — ----------Pi------------- s— ------------------------------------ ----------— >—— -— —— ------------------ -— •—
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