King's Business - 1926-01

A Parish . Paper W ill Pull Your Church V Over the Top

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A plan that will multiply your church attendance and fill your treasury without a cent o f cost to you H ERE is a plan, a parish paper, that competes with the movies, the au­ tomobile, the Sunday newspaper,

Parish Paper Profitable “ W e made a profit of $22.29 from the last issue of our parish paoer.”— Rev. H. S. Witherbee, West Allis. Wis. An Easy Matter To Start It “ It was with • fear and trembling 1 started a parish paper. Your service makes it an easy matter. — Rev. A. N. Barclay. Hamilton. Ont.. Canada. Puts a Drive Over “Our parish paper helped tremendously in putting over a $10,000 drive. To you we owe the c r e d i t . R e v . E. B. Sharpless, New Eagle, Pa. THE NATIONAL RELIGIOUS PRESS. Grand Rapids. Mich. Send full particulars and samples of your Parish Paper Service without obligating me in any way.

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with golf, and beats them decisively. In no uncertain fashion, it brings out your congregation to listen, to the sermons you prepare with painstaking efforts. It fills the Sunday School, and keeps it filled. It brings in new members and workers for every phase o f your church’s activity. It helps you mightily to get your members into that mood and spirit that fills, and more than fills, your church treasury. These things it does, and things like these. It gives you remarkable assistance. It helps you knit your congregation into a live, happy, working unit. It fills the treasury. It doesn’t cost you or your church a cent. Send the coupon today for complete information and proof.

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