King's Business - 1926-01

/ K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January 1926

confess that we had been guilty of setting ourselves up on a pinnacle and looking down with puty upon those with whom we were supposed to have fellowship in the Lord. • Why not try the plan! Announce that all were invited and all expected to frankly confess their own ( faults, not the faults of others. The announcement and the results would open the eyes of church people and a real revival would follow. The Holy Spirit, having presided -over the gathering, would pour out a fulness of blessing such as would revolutionize things. We are offering the suggestion from personal expe­ rience for sometimes, in an all-night prayer meeting, after several hours of confession on the part of those present, we have seen evidences of real spiritual life and hearts united in a bond woven by the Holy One Himself that could not be broken. Try it—if you can—and let us have reports for the bepefit of others. BOO TH SUCCEEDS BR YAN It is gratifying to know that Rev. Herbert Booth, the youngest son of the founder of the Salvatirtn.Army, General William Booth, has been chosen to succeed William Jennings Bryan as the leader of the large Men’s Bible Class in Miami, Florida. Mr. Booth will also occupy the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church of Miami on Sunday evenings during the coming winter. Mr. Booth (who is well on the way to recovery from a serious illness brought on by his strenuous labors in Australia and New Zealand for four years), is an out and out fundamentalist, and we are sure the read­ ers o f The King’s Business will be glad to pray that God may greatly use him and bless his ministry in this newaphere of endeavor.

radiant faces. Let me give you a year text for the coming year: “ I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it Is «lay; the night cometh, when no man can work” (John 9 : 4 ). A CHU RCH CONFESSION CONFERENCE We have no confessionals in the Protestant Church because we have no priests and are free from a form that has been used to bind men in fetters and lead them into a system fraught with untold sorrow. We do have prayer meetings and they are necessary ^and helpful, though it is easy for them to become stilted, and many people are.glad when they are over. But why not have a “ Confession Conference” in the church T We find no difficulty in confessing the faults of others. In fact, we are prone to reverse God’s order and spend much time telling of the mistakes, shortcom­ ings and weaknesses of our fellows, but we have looked carefully into the Scripture and can find no admonition at all to confess the faults of others. On the contrary, there is a distinct and definite admonition to confess our own, and to “ lay aside every weight and the sin that doth so easily upset üs.” A “ Confession Conference” would involve real humiliation of soul for us all, and we would look for­ ward to it with heavy hearts. There would be no sug­ gestion of an orchestra or an oration. We would all want the back seats. When our time came to speak >ye would want the floor to'open and let us sink out of sight. We might be able to look forward with comparative calmness—say—to the amputation of a limb, knowing that we could be put to sleep while the operation was being performed, but here we would have to face the ordeal of standing right up and confessing the wrongs we had done to pastor and people. We would have to

This January number of “ The King’s Business” is just an earnest of what we will endeavor to make your Bible Family Magazine during the entire twelve months of 1926. Having now enjoyed the soul satisfying and faith strengthening editorials, we suggest that you go right on through the entire issue, from Dr. Maclnnis’ timely “ Charge to Young Ministers,” including every o n e t h e intensely interesting con­ tributed articles and their illustrations, together witj$he unusually excellent regular departments, thus deriving benefit and blessing to the very last advertising page. For these also are instructive and helpful, and may point the way to some long antici­ pated joy. May we suggest that you be unselfish in your enjoyment of the veritable “ feast of fat things” set before you in these pages, and earnestly seek to introduce its monthly offerings to all your friends.


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