2024 HCA Design Guidelines

about this document

For all design and construct contracts, designs will be detailed to a minimum of 80 per cent full documentation stage. The contractor and Housing Choices will agree on the full extent of the documentation requirements as part of the consultant engagement process and prior to signing a construction contract. All work must comply with relevant Australian Standards, Building Codes and local and state authority requirements. The building must be detailed with full consideration of the budget/cost plan of the project, addressing all factors including privacy, solar access and control, reflectivity, views, sustainability, wind, durability, and maintenance. There is flexibility for substitutions. However, approval from Housing Choices is required to deviate from requirements and all deviations must be flagged and agreed prior to tendering. The lead consultant is responsible for ensuring the documentation is fully coordinated. Housing Choices will not be responsible for the cost of variations if they have been covered in this document and not captured by the relevant discipline or Housing Choices has not provided prior acceptance of an omission or substitution. The contractor is also responsible for flagging any discrepancies or deviations from the Design Guidelines at tender stage.

The structure of the sections is as follows: • Section summary: Outlines the design intent / what successful implementation looks like • Checklist Considerations: Applies to all dwellings • High Density Checklist Considerations: Only if there are additional considerations specific to High Density dwellings • Low Density Checklist Considerations: Only if there are additional considerations specific to Low Density dwellings • SDA Checklist Considerations: Only if there are additional considerations specific to SDA dwellings


Housing Choices Australia | Design Guidelines

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