2024 HCA Design Guidelines

A1 Site selection and parameters


Location Prior to proceeding with a development, Housing Choices development managers will prepare a Site Proximity Analysis to assess the opportunities for any given site. Housing Choices requires properties which provide good access to possible employment opportunities. Properties should also be located within walking distance to public transport links to provide access to essential services. Refer to Table 01: Proximity to Transportation and Essential Services . If all parameters cannot be met, Housing Choices will review and may deem the site suitable based on other determining factors such as transportation options and links, proposed tenant mix, and total distance outside the specified proximity. It is desirable to ensure a high concentration of Housing Choices housing is not situated in any one locality. Project sites should generally contain no more than 25-30% of the total dwelling numbers on any particular site. This generally refers to high-density developments. Low-density and SDA sites should maximise the yield aiming for a minimum of 4 to 5 dwellings per site with consideration being given to the Onsite Overnight Assistance (OOA) requirements of SDA developments.

Health and climate change are two of the biggest risks we have faced in recent times. If these risks are not carefully considered potential impacts include insurance viability, asset value and associated flow on effects such as security and future financing risk. Housing Choices has a strong emphasis on long-term, quality social and affordable housing which supports lower income households live close to services, transport and jobs. It is essential that Housing Choices developments promote sustainable communities that create opportunities to support formal and informal resident connections underpinned by quality, durable and long-lasting design.

Table 01: Proximity to Transportation and Essential Services


Distance from Site

Public Transportation


Local Shops


Regional Centres or High Streets


All dwelling mixes should be discussed and agreed with Housing Choices during the briefing stage of the project.



Day Care Centres


Medical Facilities and other Services


Note : the number and concentration of SDA dwellings on a single site is also subject to density restrictions, described in the SDA Rules found at www.ndis.gov.au/. All proposed tenancy mixes and concentrations are to be approved by Housing Choices. When selecting sites, it is critical to ensure that what we build and where we build is considered with the following potential risks are considered: • Flood risk (now and in the future) • Bushfire risk (now and in the future) • Pandemic risk (safety in design)

Local Parks

Ideally <1.5km, max 5km

Note: These proximities are Housing Choices preferred distances to essential services. If any distances are unable to be met, shortfalls are to be reviewed with Housing Choices.


Housing Choices Australia | Design Guidelines

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