2024 HCA Design Guidelines

Site Planning Section Summary


• All entries to dwellings should consider weather protection, individual identity, street presence and private access wherever possible to maximise residents' ability to identity and feel a sense of ownership of their dwelling. • Provide developments that respond to the features of the site and the surrounding area. This includes protecting significant trees and landscape features where possible. Any development should also respond to the heritage, character, topography and environmental features of the site such as solar access, views, noise and wind. • Consider opportunities to provide activation of street frontages to create activity at different times of the day. High Density Site Planning Considerations Checklist: • Where Social Housing is being provided as part of a larger development including other tenure types, Social Housing dwellings should be distributed throughout the project and must be reasonably balanced along street frontages and have equal access to amenities. • Create shorelines/building lines that allow clear movement pathways by people with vision and mobility impairments along key pathways and desire lines (for example site entries or community facilities). • Incorporate rest hubs that include seating and sensory and auditory interaction with the environment. • Incorporate both passive and active recreation areas. • Provide landscape-integrated paths/walkways where possible to minimise the requirement for obstructions such as handrails and kerbs. SDA Site Planning Considerations Checklist: • Refer to NDIS SDA Design Standard. • Where ramping cannot be avoided, ensure ramps are designed and constructed in a discrete fashion. • For SDA developments include at least one designated vehicle set- down and pick-up zone for use by occupants with a disability. Ratio of accessible car spaces for SDA dwellings is to be determined on a case- by-case basis in consultation with Housing Choices.

Housing Choices seeks to create new housing that is tenure blind. This refers to ensuring that any Housing Choices developments are not easily identifiable as “affordable” or “social” housing. Where budgetary limitations restrict choice in materials and finishes; considerable scope still exists to produce high quality design through massing, proportion, colour, and other means. Given in many cases the objective will be to maximise yield on a site, issues such as building envelope and site coverage will often be determined by the relevant planning authority. Site Planning Considerations Checklist: • Promotion of high quality architectural and urban design outcomes. • Commitment to site responsive design, including retention of significant trees and the protection of neighbouring amenity through adherence to the objectives of State based Residential Development Standards ie. Clause 55 Rescode Assessment (VIC). • Adherence to mandatory requirements, design objectives, and the respectful interpretation of discretionary requirements. • Promotion of sustainable development outcomes including an existing commitment to high quality internal amenity. • Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles are to be used in the planning and design of any development. • Minimise any site earthworks, ie. extent of cut and fill required. • Ensure good connections between living spaces and private outdoor spaces. Determine the appropriate number of car spaces to be provided early in design process. Where there is a reduction in car parking proposed ratios are to be determined on a case-by-case basis in consultation with Housing Choices. • Site planning is to provide maximum opportunities for residents to access public transport. • Secure bicycle storage to be provided and accessible via an efficient path of travel from the public realm without requiring use of stairs, steps or lift. • Consideration should be given to how the design can be flexible at a site scale to enable a change of tenure and/or disposal over time with clear and separable ownership patterns.


Housing Choices Australia | Design Guidelines

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