2024 HCA Design Guidelines


Fire Stairs Section Summary

Ensure fire stairs are durable and robust. The primary function of the fire stairs is practical but where possible these elements should encourage residents to use them in lieu of lifts. Fire Stairs Considerations Checklist: • Floors to be steel trowel finished concrete. • Stair treads and risers to have steel trowel finished concrete with carborundum powder to all treads. • Stair soffits and stringers to be Class 3 concrete with imperfections ground off and voids filled to provide a consistent surface finish. Stairmaster is also acceptable. • Walls to be face brick face, concrete block or off form class 3 concrete with imperfections ground off and voids filled to provide a consistent clean surface finish. • Handrails to be DuraGal or similar steel tubing. • Security access control is required to control use of stairs for access between levels, ie. residents should only be able to access their own level. Refer Section A7.01 for detailed security requirements. • Consider possible wind implications and potential for wind driven rain to any smoke stairs or circulation areas open to the elements or with permeable wall and balustrade elements. The size of façade elements, including aperture gauge of perforated sheet or mesh products or spacing between balustrade elements, should be considered in light of potential to create whistling or acoustic disturbance when interacting with prevailing winds.

Note: Refer to section D7.03: Fire Stairs for servicing requirements.


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