2024 HCA Design Guidelines

A6 Pedestrian and vehicular circulation


Pedestrain circulation Section Summary

lighting and speed limit signs to ensure safe and efficient access for vehicles and pedestrians. • Where car parking is provided under cover, an adequate supply of ventilation must be provided. • Where mechanical exhaust fans are provided in below ground car parking areas, they shall be fit-ted with air quality sensors, variable speed fans, ventilated roller doors and other controls to re-duce energy consumption. • Ensure car spaces are not allocated to apartments. Allocation and access management of car parking area and spaces is to be determined by Housing Choices. • Provision for bicycle parking should be provided as per the relevant Australian Standard or relevant authority. • In the short and medium term there is likely to be a greater need for electric vehicle charging amenity. As a result, Housing Choices seeks to include a selected number of shared electric car charging bays within projects for resident use. However, including charging points within High Density projects, particularly basement levels, can raise fire regulation non-compliances and safety implications. Where possible, a selected number of charging points are to be included in a common ground floor area, accessible by all residents. The project team is to discuss the requirement for EV charging points with Housing Choices at briefing stage and seek feedback from project fire engineer, building surveyor and relevant authority to inform design. • Where EV charging points are deemed not required as part of the project, consider including provision for future installation by others. Note: Any reductions in car parking numbers to be confirmed with Housing Choices prior to finalising submission to local authorities. High Density Car Parking Considerations Checklist: • Where possible car parking should be provided at basement level to improve the relationship of the building with the street and to minimise negative impacts of vehicular movement and parking. • Consider a loading bay and vehicle requirements of tenants moving in and out. Ensure a stand-ard moving truck can be accommodated and provide sufficient clearances to enable trucks easy access to lifts and entries.

Provide a system of paths integrated into the project design and that is suitable for wheelchair access. The system should include a primary path route travelled most by occupants and visitors that is a clear and direct route from the car parks and site entry to all units and key points in any development. Pedestrian Circulation Considerations Checklist: • Primary paths shall be a minimum width of 1200mm and shall be visible or intuitive from car parking area. In developments containing Adaptable Class C properties, the primary path shall comply with AS 1428. • Where SDA is included in a development, circulation spaces shall also meet the requirements of the NDIS SDA Design Standard. Car parking (including basement & undercroft parking) Section Summary Provide parking spaces in a safe and efficient manner that interface positively with the public realm. Consideration should be given early in the design process to the size and location of driveways and parking areas. As the area occupied by these elements is often quite large, care must be taken to ensure that these elements do not visually dominate the street frontage e.g. carport vs. enclosed garage. Driveways must be sufficiently wide to accommodate anticipated traffic. In general, Housing Choices encourage the use of public and active transportation in preference to providing large amounts of onsite car parking. Car Parking Considerations Checklist: • Concrete floors finished with a textured steel trowel and with appropriate oil resistant surface sealer. • Concrete ramps to be broom finished. • 0.6 car parking reduction ratio has previously been an acceptable reduction. • Wheel stops to be provided to all parking bays. • Access into and within car parks is to be clearly marked with suitable signage, including overhead height clearance signage, floor marking,



Housing Choices Australia | Design Guidelines

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