2024 HCA Design Guidelines


Housing Choices Australia (Housing Choices) prides itself on the consistent delivery of projects that are built to high design standards. We have developed these Design Guidelines to clearly communicate to our partners and consultants the parameters in which we work and set out our expectations for our residential developments. Some of the key considerations that contribute to high quality of design of our projects include, integration of environmentally sustainable principles, green communal open spaces which encourage social interaction, a focus on durable construction and access to excellent residential amenities. Housing should be more than just shelter. It should be a home. Housing Choices’ vision is to see all people affordably housed in connected neighbourhoods that support life opportunities. Access to housing should also improve resident health and wellbeing, security and stability. Good design is fundamental to the delivery of this vision and these Design Guidelines are a key enabler of this aspiration.

David Fisher CEO, Housing Choices Australia Group


Housing Choices Australia | Design Guidelines

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