2024 HCA Design Guidelines

A8 Support services and on-site community spaces

A8.01 Meeting rooms Section Summary

buildings and public open spaces maximise passive surveillance. • All lobbies and lifts should be secured with the agreed keying system or electronic access control system for the building. • All floors to have restricted access to ensure residents access their floor only. This applies to lifts and all communal stairs .

Where meeting rooms are provided, they need to be flexible, functional and robust. The location and size will be project specific and should be discussed with Housing Choices in the briefing phase of the project

SDA Safety and Security Considerations Checklist: • Refer to NDIS SDA Design Standard and provisions described above.

Meeting Room Considerations Checklist: • Access to gender neutral and accessible toilet facilities. • Access to a cleaner’s store. • Access to a kitchenette or tea making facilities with hot and cold running water, provision for a bar fridge and associated power requirements. • Consider a second point of egress depending on the meeting room function and cohort. • Heating & cooling system appropriate for the size of the area. • Meeting rooms are accessible for people with a disability.


Housing Choices Australia | Design Guidelines

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