2024 HCA Design Guidelines


Community spaces Section Summary

• A lockage storage area within the community space is required, (nominally 5m 2 ) for storage of marketing and communications packs for residents, nominally 600mm x 600mm cupboard. Additionally, consider need for storage that is suitable for furniture needs, such as folding tables and stackable chairs. • Direct access to a kitchen or kitchenette is required with hot & cold running water to sink area, space and power for a fridge to be installed (undercounter fridge as a minimum). • Consider additional bench space & storage to suit the size of the development. • Heating & cooling system appropriate for the size of the area • Required ventilation to meet minimum air change • Consideration accessibility and functionality of community spaces for people with a disability or limited mobility.

Community spaces should be welcoming, highly flexible, functional, and robust. These spaces may accommodate a range of functions such as art classes, music lessons, bicycle repair workshops, library, meetings rooms, kid’s activities etc. Generally, all high-density developments should provide a community space. Other smaller developments can be reviewed on a project basis and consider existing local community facilities available in close proximity to the site. Community Spaces Considerations Checklist: • Community spaces should be provided in developments of 100 dwellings or more. • Community spaces are ideally located near common circulation spaces, allow for passive surveil-lance, located near communal open space, and have access to sunlight. • Community rooms should be comfortable to occupy and easily accessible from all dwellings and main building entrances. • The size of community rooms should be a minimum area of 50m2. Site based requirements and capacities to be confirmed with Housing Choices. • Consider providing a community room which is partially unenclosed to increase the flexibility of the space throughout the year. Consideration should be given to weather protection, prevailing winds, and usability during winter months. Consideration is to be paid to occupant comfort and security of loose furniture in contexts where semi-enclosed or open roofed communal spaces may be subject to significant wind. • Larger community rooms can provide separate meeting rooms if desirable. These meeting rooms should be a minimum area of 9m 2 and a minimum dimension of 3m wide, capable of seating at least four people and be wheelchair accessible. • Access to a gender neutral and accessible bathrooms. • Access to cleaning facilities or a cleaner’s store (refer A4.01:Cleaners store for requirements).


Housing Choices Australia | Design Guidelines

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